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Podcast - An Update from The Sikkha Project

From Buddhist Centre Features on Fri, 19 Apr, 2019 - 09:20

“The idea is that, at some point, it won’t be a project; it’ll just be more like how we do things”

The Sikkha Project aims to support the development of training within Triratna for every level of experience, to discover and share how the different elements of our system of practice are taught and practiced most effectively, and to create resources and training to fill any gaps.

Here’s a conversation with Dhammamegha, currently co-ordinating this project, explaining its origins, who’s involved and the ‘shopping...

Sadayasihi's picture

Danayutta - Depth Charges

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 18 Apr, 2019 - 14:15

“Someone said to me, on one’s ordination retreat, depth charges are planted - and you never know when they are going to go off…”

Danayutta was working as an investment banker in London when she first decided to go on a 10-day retreat with the London Buddhist Centre. This retreat changed the direction of her life - she realised that she wanted to commit to the Dharma life rather than pursuing her career, working on a busy trading floor.

Because probably by the time

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Trusting the Process

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 18 Apr, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is by Varasahaya called Trusting the Process.

Drawing on her experience as a poet, Varasahaya discusses creativity, imagination, and the writing process as a spiritual practice. She reads some of her poems, and explains the process by which they came to birth, and what she learnt about letting go of self as she grappled with writing.

An excellent and very accessible talk given to Sangha night at the West London Buddhist Centre. Taken...

Development Team's picture
Development Team

Centre Manager at Bristol Buddhist Centre

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 17 Apr, 2019 - 18:44

Centre Manager at Bristol Buddhist Centre

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 17 Apr, 2019 - 18:44

Here at Bristol Buddhist Centre we are looking for an Order Member to be our new Centre manager.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the day to day running of our busy Centre working with the Centre Team (currently Bhadra (Chair), Satyalila and Naravira (mitra convenors) plus Khemajoti who is stepping down). You will also be responsible for managing the ‘Healing Rooms’ a business on the first floor of the building which provides an important income stream for the Centre through...

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Development Team

Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 16 Apr, 2019 - 15:04

Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme

From Triratna Resources on Tue, 16 Apr, 2019 - 15:04

Thanks to Padmadaka from The Karuna Trust for bringing this to our attention. In brief, if your Centre or group (if a registered charity) claims Gift Aid regularly (in at least 2 of the last 4 tax years), you can claim 25% on cash or contactless card payments which are donations at a religious/spiritual gathering of at least 10 people but not in exchange for some benefit (like a cup of tea). Each donation can be up to £30.

This may be very...

sanghadevi's picture

Resignation of Padmalaya

From Order Connection on Tue, 16 Apr, 2019 - 12:07

Resignation of Padmalaya

From Order Connection on Tue, 16 Apr, 2019 - 12:07

Dear Order Members,

Padmalaya who lives in Australia and was ordained at Il Convento in October 2001 has decided to resign from the Order after a long ‘off and on’ process of reflection.

As her Private and Public Preceptor we have been in touch; she has outlined why she has decided to leave the Order and I have accepted her resignation. She preferred to keep her e-mail of resignation as a personal correspondence with myself.

I think though she will not mind me sharing she hopes...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: A Creative Response

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 14:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is by the lovely Satyalila called A Creative Response.

Taken from the full talk, Imagination, the Buddha & Us offering a practical and personal perspective on why Sangharakshita has taught that imagination is a vital ingredient in the spiritual life. Full of examples and poetry, the talk invites listeners to recognise - and harness - the great power of the imagination which is in all of us, whether...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

The Complete Works team at Adhisthana

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 12:24

The Complete Works team at Adhisthana

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 12:24

The beginning of April saw the publication of the four latest volumes in The Complete Works of Sangharakshita, bringing the total number of published volumes to twelve. With fifteen more volumes yet to be published, this ambitious project, due for completion in 2024, is almost at its halfway point. 

Last week members of the Complete Works team – most of them volunteers – met at Adhisthana to share their experiences of and perspectives on the project, including the challenges they’ve encountered and the lessons they’ve...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ananda - Recollections of Bhante

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 12:22

“So my impression of Bhante was that he was a magician who had some secrets that I wanted to get…

Ananda was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order (then the Western Buddhist Order) on the 7th April 1968, which makes him the most long-standing member of our Order. 

In this full and frank conversation with Satyalila, Ananda speaks about his own spiritual journey in the Triratna Buddhist Order and his relationship with Bhante, Urgyen Sangharakshita, the founder of that Order.

From his first impressions of...

vajragupta's picture

‘Anarchy’ and ‘Authority’ – a Response to Paramananda

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 08:27

‘Anarchy’ and ‘Authority’ – a Response to Paramananda

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 - 08:27

(open to all)

Thank you Paramananda for your piece in Articles Shabda in late February, which made me think about our Order in a way that was stimulating and helpful, and which inspired me to write this response. If you read it, you will see that there are things you said with which I disagree. You will also see that there is much with which I do agree and think important.

‘Anarchy’ and ‘authority’

In putting forward the idea of anarchy, Paramananda suggests that ‘many of...
