Saddhammapradip's picture

Max Visit to Retreat Center

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 17:13

Max Visit to Retreat Center

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 17:13

Max friend of Dh. Sanghanath and Pulkit firend visited bhaja caves.

Saddhammapradip's picture

15 Points Reflection - Men's GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 16:54

15 Points Reflection - Men's GFR Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 16:54

Men’s GFR Retreat from 23rd to 30th Jun 19. Led by GFR Team members Dh. Anomdassi, Dh. Jutindhar, Dh. Surangam, Dh. Adityabodhi and Dh. Yashoratna. Around 30 mitra participate in this retreat. 

Dhanakosa's picture

radical Dharma: join us at Dhanakosa, change lives

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 14:21

radical Dharma: join us at Dhanakosa, change lives

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 - 14:21

Live and work in wild and beautiful Scotland, providing conditions for 1,000 people a year to meet the Dharma. Be part of a mixed community of Order Members and GFR Mitras, all deeply committed to Bhante’s radical vision of work as practice to transform self and world.

We have 2 roles open to Order Members and GFR Mitras to join us over the next 6 months, who are able to contribute to the project with either office or practical skills. 

For Order Members there...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Kachu Rimpoche

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 1 Jul, 2019 - 16:19

In our FBA Dharmabyte today we are introduced to Kachu Rimpoche by Vajratara one of Sangharakshita’s eight main teachers.

Kachu Rimpoche was a man of great learning, renowned as a deep meditator and visionary, and a gifted sculptor. Rimpoche went out of his way to befriend Sangharakshita. In 1960, on Jampyang Khyentse’s recommendation, Kachu Rimpoche initiated Sangharakshita into the practice of Guru Padmasambhava. At the same time Kachu Rimpoche gave Sangharakshita a new name: Urgyen,...

dayasara's picture

BAM in Ipswich and far beyond

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 30 Jun, 2019 - 08:27

BAM in Ipswich and far beyond

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 30 Jun, 2019 - 08:27

A range of activities this year. A highlight was last Wednesday’s The Time is Now  for environmental action. That brought Polly and myself from the Ipswich Sangha and thousands more to central London. Workshops at St Martin’s in the Fields, then a ‘walk of witness’ along Whitehall, talks in Church House, and lobbying MPs from all the main political parties. A good number of Buddhists there and uplifting communication with a wide range of people.

I’ll remember Anya, the youngest speaker, who is...

Aryajaya's picture

Reminder: Mandala of Awakening, UK and Ireland Area Convention

From Order Connection on Sat, 29 Jun, 2019 - 17:25

Reminder: Mandala of Awakening, UK and Ireland Area Convention

From Order Connection on Sat, 29 Jun, 2019 - 17:25

A Mandala of Awakening
UK & Ireland Area Convention
6 - 11 August 2019
Wymondham College, UK

“One contemplates how it is that this form has arisen from emptiness” (from the Green Tara Sadhana)

“I and all else that moves, until enlightenment, 
take the guru and the triple gem as Refuge. 
In order to gain perfect Buddhahood for others’ sake, 
we practise the Manjusri-stuti-sadhana; whereby 
may sentient beings possess happiness, with its...

viriyalila's picture

Dharma Day – Sound and Vision | Mantra | Art | Ritual

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 29 Jun, 2019 - 14:09

Dharma Day – Sound and Vision | Mantra | Art | Ritual

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 29 Jun, 2019 - 14:09

Join us at Aryaloka Buddhist Center for an epic ritual celebration of the Buddha’s Teaching, Saturday, July 13, 1-5 pm.

In the morning, there will be opportunity to participate in one of two art workshops to come together creatively in community: Mantra Chanting with Sunada or Portable Shrine Making with Maryellen, both running from 9-1 pm. We will bridge the day with a shared potluck meal together, from 1-2:30 pm.

Please bring a vegetarian meal to share. Families with kids welcome!


9-1 – ...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Chetul Sangye Dorje

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 29 Jun, 2019 - 14:00

Here’s a forthright and passionate talk by Vajratara, taking as its starting point the great contemporary Tibetan teacher (sometimes also written ‘Chatral Sangye Dorje’) and his relationship to practice in Triratna, rooted in his giving of the Green Tara practice to Sangharakshita.

The main focus, however, is the need to practice the Dharma for others as part of a meaningful community, and Vajratara argues her case with a balance...

Sadayasihi's picture

Kiranada - A Year of Silence (with Q & A): Highlighted Talk

From Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 12 Jun, 2019 - 18:48

Kiranada is an ordained Buddhist, a traveler, a renowned artist in (cruelty-free) silk, a teacher, an author and a Mom. Here she is at the Portsmouth Public Library in June 2019, reading from her book ‘A Year Of Silence’, an account of her year-long silent, solitary retreat in the New Zealand bush.

As one of her last engagements before heading off to Kentucky and Missouri to begin a further 3-year solitary, silent retreat, this is a wonderful opportunity to hear what it...
