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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Advice From the Lotus -Born: 'Never Be Apart From the Causes For Faith to Arise'.

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Padmasambhava is a potent symbol of transformation. As part of the London Buddhist Centre's Padmasambhava Day Festival, Maitreyi shows us how evoke the help, energy and vision we need to change our lives.
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Dhammarati - A Brief History of the Triratna International Council

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 22:48

Dhammarati - A Brief History of the Triratna International Council

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 22:48

Here’s Dhammarati with another beautifully made presentation giving the history and Dharma context for the formation of the Triratna International Council. 

This includes an audio recording (towards the end of the presentation) of Urgyen Sangharakshita, Triratna’s founder, giving his thoughts on the essential work of the Council as part of a healthy succession plan for our community, in line with his intentions to pass on well his own duties, responsibilities and inspiration.

See all posts from the 2019 International Council

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Sikkha - Triratna International Council 2019

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 15:58

Sikkha - Triratna International Council 2019

From Triratna International Council on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 15:58

“From the moment of a person’s first contact with our movement, he or she should be able to discover a balanced approach that is appropriate to them… The Karmic work of integration and developing positive emotion, and the Dharmic work of spiritual receptivity, death, and rebirth.

“The elements of the system… from the stage of Integration through to that of Spiritual Rebirth can be seen as the principal elements of the Dharma life at all stages, Indeed, if they are not practised at...

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Triratna Sanghas and the Earth Strike

From Triratna News on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 15:38

Triratna Sanghas and the Earth Strike

From Triratna News on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 15:38

“I felt my interconnectedness with all beings and that somehow what we were doing was intensely worthwhile.“ - Lilamati, Sheffield Earth Strike Street Meditation

Members of Triratna sanghas across the globe came out in support of the ‘Earth Strike’ on Friday 20th September. In 2018, schoolchildren began walking out of school in protest at global inaction around climate change. This year, the youth climate activists called on adults to support them at an Earth Strike, on 20th September 2019. They did: millions from across the world demonstrated...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha Refuge

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Amarachandra introduces us to the Yellow Jewel – the Buddha Refuge, with her characteristic knowledge and enthusiasm, and experience of Dharma practice in several countries of the world.
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Free Buddhist Audio

What I've Learnt From Milarepa (why Talk About Milarepa 5)

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Concluding a series looking at Milarepa, Dharmashalin attempts to draw things together by asking the simple question; 'what have I learnt'. Of course Milarepa taught and did so much this will always be partial!
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha Refuge

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Amarachandra introduces us to the Yellow Jewel – the Buddha Refuge, with her characteristic knowledge and enthusiasm, and experience of Dharma practice in several countries of the world.
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Free Buddhist Audio

What I've Learnt From Milarepa (why Talk About Milarepa 5)

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Tue, 1 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Concluding a series looking at Milarepa, Dharmashalin attempts to draw things together by asking the simple question; 'what have I learnt'. Of course Milarepa taught and did so much this will always be partial!
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Dharmabyte: Being More in Tune with the Middle Way

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 30 Sep, 2019 - 14:00

Here Samantabhadri expertly and imaginatively tackles the theme of Wisdom, using the verses in the third section of Tsongkhapa’s short text on the “Three Principle Aspects of the Path”. Dharma themes of the laksanas, suffering, niyamas, self - and no-self - are interwoven with more personal reflections, and with thought-provoking quotations - “…. emptiness, activity and compassion are not three things, but one thing looked at from three different points of view….”

This is the third of three talks all based on...

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Free Buddhist Audio

What Going For Refuge Means to Me

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 30 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
Three active mitras from the CBC give us the inside story on their experience of practising the Dharma, and particularly within the light of this crucial theme.
