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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Dhammas and Guided Meditation

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 11 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Prasadavati introduces the Dhammas section of the Satipatthana Sutta, by concisely outlining the core elements of the Hindrances and Awakening Factors. She suggests that we can learn to "starve the Hindrances and feed the Awakening Factors" with the lessening of the Hindrances being naturally related to the strengthening of the Awakening Factors. This is followed by a guided meditation exploring the balancing of energies of the Awakening Factors with some of them arousing energy and some of them devoted to cultivating calm.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mindful Movement with Introduction to Letting Go of Clinging

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 12 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. In this session, Prasadavati continues to explore the refrain from the Satipatthana Sutta. Today's focus is the core element "letting go of clinging" as being central to all Satipatthana practice. This is followed by a mindful movement session which includes a short sequence of movements for everyday.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Body Scan Letting Go of Clinging

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 13 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Another Body Scan focused on whole body breathing and awareness of the three sphere of the abdomen chest and head, with the diaphragms being like swinging doors linking the spheres. The focus today is letting go of clinging and releasing into very broad and open awareness.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Overcoming Envy

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
The first of five talks Exploring the five archetypal Buddha’s. Each talk in the series will draw out the wisdom of each of the Buddha’s to help us explore how we can make it applicable to our everyday lives. Envy… we all experience it but what can we do about it? In this talk, Mahamani explores how the wisdom of Amoghasiddhi can set us free. Part of the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Urban Retreat.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Body Scan On the Three Sphere, the Three Diaphragms and Flow

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 10 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. In this body scan, Vidyamala continues exploration of the three spheres of the abdomen, chest and head, with the diaphragms being like swinging doors linking the spheres. This builds on the body scan introduced yesterday and is lightly led.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Dhammas and Guided Meditation

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 11 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Prasadavati introduces the Dhammas section of the Satipatthana Sutta, by concisely outlining the core elements of the Hindrances and Awakening Factors. She suggests that we can learn to "starve the Hindrances and feed the Awakening Factors" with the lessening of the Hindrances being naturally related to the strengthening of the Awakening Factors. This is followed by a guided meditation exploring the balancing of energies of the Awakening Factors with some of them arousing energy and some of them devoted to cultivating calm.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Mindful Movement with Introduction to Letting Go of Clinging

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 12 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. In this session, Prasadavati continues to explore the refrain from the Satipatthana Sutta. Today's focus is the core element "letting go of clinging" as being central to all Satipatthana practice. This is followed by a mindful movement session which includes a short sequence of movements for everyday.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Body Scan Letting Go of Clinging

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 13 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Another Body Scan focused on whole body breathing and awareness of the three sphere of the abdomen chest and head, with the diaphragms being like swinging doors linking the spheres. The focus today is letting go of clinging and releasing into very broad and open awareness.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Overcoming Envy

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
The first of five talks Exploring the five archetypal Buddha’s. Each talk in the series will draw out the wisdom of each of the Buddha’s to help us explore how we can make it applicable to our everyday lives. Envy… we all experience it but what can we do about it? In this talk, Mahamani explores how the wisdom of Amoghasiddhi can set us free. Part of the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Urban Retreat.
Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Debating the Middle Way

From Western Buddhist Review on Wed, 25 Sep, 2019 - 18:16

Debating the Middle Way

From Western Buddhist Review on Wed, 25 Sep, 2019 - 18:16

Here we present a review by Arnold Tilley of a new book by Robert Ellis, founder of the Middle Way Society:

Robert Ellis 

The Buddha’s Middle Way, London: Equinox, 2019, 320pp., £23 pb

review by Arnold Tilley

Much of the content of Ellis’s book concerns the Buddha’s Middle Way, yet seen as an instance of a purported universal Middle Way ‘which springs from the structural needs of human beings (and possibly other organisms)’ (p.281). Ellis’s formula for this universal Middle Way is expressed by...
