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Free Buddhist Audio

Introducing the Brahma Viharas

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 3 Oct, 2019 - 01:00
Ratnavandana gives a clear and moving introduction to the Brahma Viharas, drawing on her forty-plus years of practice of them, and how life-changing they have been for her. Opening talk from "Living in the Mandala" - a retreat held at Taraloka in 2019 for Mitras.
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Free Buddhist Audio

An Interview with Ratnasuri

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 3 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
An interview with Ratnasuri, aged 90, by Samantabhadri on the retreat ‘Facing Death, Embracing Life’ at Taraloka November 2013. An alert, thoughtful Ratnasuri chats about inspiration, old age, her death and re-birth, Bhante, Taraloka, Amitabha and Vajrayogini.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introducing the Brahma Viharas

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 3 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Ratnavandana gives a clear and moving introduction to the Brahma Viharas, drawing on her forty-plus years of practice of them, and how life-changing they have been for her. Opening talk from "Living in the Mandala" - a retreat held at Taraloka in 2019 for Mitras.
Maitrisiddhi's picture

The sangha presence at the Earth Strike

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 16:20

The sangha presence at the Earth Strike

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 16:20

On the 20th September there was a global ‘earth strike’ to demonstrate about human-caused global warming. The climate strikes certainly made world headlines, and Greta Thunberg’s speech to the UN keeps up the pressure for ecological action on governments, business and individuals - including us! It’s hard to say what the effect of our sangha presence is - but getting out there on the streets where a lot of radical energy is; meditating and being seen; modelling love and...

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Order Metta - October 2019

From Order Connection on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 12:16

Order Metta - October 2019

From Order Connection on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 12:16

A Wave of Metta Around the Globe:
First Sunday of the month Order Metta 8 a.m. (local time)
Sunday 6th October 2019

“Through cultivating metta, you lay a strong foundation for the development of Insight. In other words, the more adequate to reality your emotional responses become, the closer you are to Insight”. In the Mahayana this fully realized metta is called mahamaitri. ‘Maha’ means ‘great’ or ‘higher’, and maitri is the Sanskrit equivalent of metta, so this is metta...

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Free Buddhist Audio


From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Sunyata can be translated as 'emptiness' or 'insubstantiality', but what does this actually mean? Vadanya breaks down common misconceptions around the Buddhist idea of non-self, exploring Santideva's arguments from the Bodhicaryavatara. Instead of an empty denial of our self, the liberating truth of sunyata is the key to happiness and spiritual growth, together with compassion for all other beings. Part 10 in the 'Path to Awakening' Sangha night series at Sheffield Buddhist Centre. Points for reflection and discussion: Do you ever think of yourself as having an 'immortal, unchanging essence'? Would you benefit from taking your 'self' more or less seriously? Read chapter 9 'The Paramita of Wisdom' of the condensed Bodhicaryavatara (available on the Sangha Night section of the website at the time this talk was uploaded) to accompany this week's talk. Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre 1.10.19
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Bi-Tendential Value of Being and The Greater Mandala - Week 1

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality? Join Jnanavaca and Subhadramati for a five-week drop-in seminar on Dharma Night exploring this vital aspect of Bhante Sangharakshita’s presentation of the Buddha’s teaching.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Heart Advice From the Lotus -Born: 'Never Be Apart From the Causes For Faith to Arise'.

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Padmasambhava is a potent symbol of transformation. As part of the London Buddhist Centre's Padmasambhava Day Festival, Maitreyi shows us how evoke the help, energy and vision we need to change our lives.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
Sunyata can be translated as 'emptiness' or 'insubstantiality', but what does this actually mean? Vadanya breaks down common misconceptions around the Buddhist idea of non-self, exploring Santideva's arguments from the Bodhicaryavatara. Instead of an empty denial of our self, the liberating truth of sunyata is the key to happiness and spiritual growth, together with compassion for all other beings. Part 10 in the 'Path to Awakening' Sangha night series at Sheffield Buddhist Centre. Points for reflection and discussion: Do you ever think of yourself as having an 'immortal, unchanging essence'? Would you benefit from taking your 'self' more or less seriously? Read chapter 9 'The Paramita of Wisdom' of the condensed Bodhicaryavatara (available on the Sangha Night section of the website at the time this talk was uploaded) to accompany this week's talk. Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre 1.10.19
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Bi-Tendential Value of Being and The Greater Mandala - Week 1

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 2 Oct, 2019 - 00:00
How do we go beyond the duality of subject and object, self and other, to experience the true nature of reality? Join Jnanavaca and Subhadramati for a five-week drop-in seminar on Dharma Night exploring this vital aspect of Bhante Sangharakshita’s presentation of the Buddha’s teaching.
