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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Broad Awareness and Led Meditation

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 5 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. In this session, Prasadavati encourages us to develop a seamless flow of mindfulness in the whole of life, by befriending sati. She recaps on the importance of breathing as a process, and then leads a meditation that broadens body awareness out to all the senses. She also states the importance of taking awareness into walking and other postures as we get to know our direct experience. An introduction to the crucial pair of "experiencing" things directly and "knowing" that, is given.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 6 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. In this body scan, Vidyamala explores the three spheres of the abdomen, chest and head, with the diaphragm being like swinging doors linking the spheres. Whole body breathing forms the essence of this body scan.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Vedana

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 7 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Vedana awareness is a crucial aspect of Satipatthana contemplation. By bringing awareness to the initial stages of the affective process, we can prevent being swept away by emotional states and bring choice as to how we respond to bare experience. Vidyamala then leads an exercise identifying pleasant, unpleasant and neutral vedana.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Citta and Dhyana with Guided Meditation

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 8 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Vidyamala introduces the Citta contemplation of Satipatthana and then discusses Dhyana. She offers ways to approach higher states of concentration in meditation and how they bloom out of paying attention to pleasant vedana that has a felt quality of openness within it. Dhyana is not random but a result of where we place our attention in each moment. This is followed by a led meditation based on the approach to Dhyana developed by Leigh Brassington.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mindful Movement with Introductory Comments On Satipatthana Contemplation

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 01:00
This is talk 9 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Prasadavati skilfully outlines how we can relate to aspects of the Satipatthana refrain - the chorus that recurs throughout the Sutta.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Conquering Craving | Urban Retreat 2019

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
The first of five talks Exploring the five archetypal Buddha’s. Each talk in the series will draw out the wisdom of each of the Buddha’s to help us explore how we can make it applicable to our everyday lives. In this talk, Subhadramati describes the wisdom of Amitabha, the Buddha of love. We’re often attracted to the calm, serenity, the gentle smile of the Buddhas but what about passion? What about love and falling in love? Where does that all come in? Part of the London Buddhist Centre's 2019 Urban Retreat.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction and Overview of the Satipatthana Sutta

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 1 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. A comprehensive introduction and overview of the Satipatthana Sutta, summarised as "Keep Calmly Knowing Change". Vidyamala talks through the various sections and aspects of the Sutta, sharing her own reflections based on decades of Satipatthana practice.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to Breathing Physiology

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 2 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Vidyamala introduces a detailed exploration of breathing and the physiology of the breathing processes. She explains how cultivating optimal breathing is health-enhancing. We can then use this deep awareness of fully embodied breathing as an object of meditation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Three Diaphragm Breath Enquiry

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 3 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Vidyamala leads a detailed meditation investigating the felt experience of embodied breathing. She pays close attention to three diaphragms particularly associated with whole-body breathing: the pelvic diaphragm in the pelvic floor; the main thoracic diaphragm between the abdominal and chest cavities; and the vocal diaphragm at the back of the mouth and top of the windpipe. She guides an exploration that allows all three diaphragms to be soft and receptive to the flow of breathing, like gently swinging doors. This is followed by a lightly guided meditation.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Working with Thoughts and Emotions

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 26 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
This is talk 4 of 13 talks and led meditations given on the Path to Insight Retreat at Taraloka, July 2019. This retreat was offered to women who are training for Ordination and Order Members. The talks are available to all. Vidyamala leads a session introducing practical ways to work with the thinking/emotion continuum. She suggests the first method to practice, is to acknowledge and let go. If thoughts/emotions are very charged, and keep recurring, she then recommends the second method - breathe with the experience with a kindly care, turning towards it in awareness and gradually allowing it to settle. Vidyamala then leads an exercise practising these two approaches.
