Buddhist Symbols slideshow, Saturday 23 May 11:30 with Ratnaprabha.
The stupa started as a burial mound for the Buddha, but became a vast symbol, the architecture of enlightenment, with its special forms and meanings in the different Asian Buddhist cultures. The last of this series of slideshows. Zoom login: https://zoom.us/j/630207959 Meeting ID: 630 207 959, or try YouTube live.
Recent talks and slideshows can be seen here on our YouTube channel. Last week’s on the Vajra, Can the...
Join Taramani to find out more about Tara, the Buddhist figure representing compassion and kindness in action. Both the short talk and led meditation using sound, visuals and our imagination to to help navigate this current situation, exploring how Tara can help us make a difference when we may feel powerless or overwhelmed. From the Croydon Buddhist Centre class on Wednesday 20th May.
Visuddhimati continues the current online Tuesday class theme, helping to take your meditation deeper. 19:00 - 21:00 every Tuesday, all levels welcome, Zoom link here.
The next block (19 May, 26 May, 2 June) will focus on The Magic and Mystery of Kindly Awareness. Awareness coupled with kindness can bring about a radical and mysterious transformation in our everyday experience. How can we develop it in meditation, and meet life’s challenges with resilience and kindness? Led meditation, discussion, questions.
Discover how to meditate, and how to set up a regular practice at home. We will explore two core foundation meditation practices that help us to focus and to have an open heart - key skills for life both in and out of lockdown!
Regular meditation brings positive benefits in helping us to improve our mental states and thereby...
Lifting the Heart - Connecting through Puja: Saturday 16th May, 10.30am, live streamed on Facebook. Vajragupta kicks off a new theme exploring the meaning of the stages of the Sevenfold Puja. A short talk looking at two incidents from just after the Buddha’s Enlightenment, followed by a led meditation. All welcome. (With thanks to Catherine Payne for the beautiful painted “mandala”.)
FutureDharma Fund and India Dhamma Trust are launching Triratna’s Thrive Online Appeal, and we need you to join us.
Our world is in lockdown. COVID-19 is changing everything: nobody knows what our world will look like in a year’s time. For some, the challenge of lockdown is overwhelming, causing a tragic surge in depression, addictions, and domestic violence.
This distanced, suffering world needs the Three Jewels more than ever.
The problem is that our centres are closed. The core of what Triratna has offered the...
The Refuges and Precepts in Esperanto, translated and read by Paul Harry Barron. For more languages, please visit the Triratna Translations pages at https://thebuddhistcentre.com/translations
Tuesdays, 2nd June to 7th July (6 weeks), 7.30pm to 9.15pm.
This course considers what our life would look like seen from the perspective of three simple ideas: 1) we can change, 2) happiness is found inside, not from outside things, and 3) we are connected to everything around us. This is a new course, suitable for complete newcomers, or anyone who has done a previous introductory course and who wants to find out more about Buddhism and learn meditation.
To mark the start of our Home Retreat on the theme of turning towards difficulties and moving through them well, a great, practical conversation with Yashobodhi about the meditative, reflective work of the Seven-Point Mind Training tradition in Buddhism.
A mythic image to sum up and symbolize this is that of the Buddha on the cusp of his Enlightenment. He is sitting still at the point when Mara attacks him with all the weapons he can muster. But, as the story...