akasajoti's picture

The Buddha and the King of the Nagas – Countdown to #buddhaday – 2 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Thu, 7 May, 2020 - 11:23

The Buddha and the King of the Nagas – Countdown to #buddhaday – 2 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Thu, 7 May, 2020 - 11:23

As a special treat for you as we countdown to #buddhaday we are releasing a series of dharma reflections and evocations of the Buddha over the week…⠀

For our Triratna international Buddha Day celebration, on the occasion of the full Moon day itself, Padmavajra introduces us to the story of the Buddha and the Naga King, Mucalinda. With characteristic resonant depth, Padmavajra evokes the meaning and significance of the Buddha’s Enlightenment, and his subsequent encounter with Mucalinda.

He then...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Edición en español! (El podcast diario de Dharma Toolkit, 24)

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 23:07

Cuatro amigos budistas se reunion en zoom y exploran como su practica budista les ayuda en tiempos de pandemia y tambien como el mundo cambiando ha cambiado su practica.

Parami (en Glasgow, Escocia), Saddharuchi (en la ciudad de Mexico),  Nagapriya (Cuernavaca, Mexico) y Sanghadhara (Manchester, Inglaterra) son Miembros de la Orden Budista Triratna apasionados en compartir su entendimiento y practica del budismo por el beneficio de todos los seres.

La musica por Ackport! 

Suscribir: Apple Podcasts | En...

akasajoti's picture

Looking at the Bodhi Tree – Countdown to #buddhaday – 4 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 22:09

Looking at the Bodhi Tree – Countdown to #buddhaday – 4 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 22:09

As a special treat for you all this week as we countdown to #buddhaday we will be releasing a series of dharma reflections and evocations of the Buddha over the coming days…⠀

Today, from the ClearVision archives, we share a talk Sangharakshita gave on Buddha Day in 1999! Sangharakshita reflects on the Buddha’s achievement of Enlightenment, drawing our attention to an often overlooked feature of this great event - the Buddha’s expression of gratitude to the tree that...

Prajnaketu's picture

time to develop? join the Sunday conversation

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 18:15

time to develop? join the Sunday conversation

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 18:15

Here Sunday 10th May 2020

10-11.30am UK & Ire / 11-12.30 Europe / 14.30-16.00 India / 19.00-20.30 Eastern Australia

How do we make the most of this period of lockdown as a time to develop without getting pressured about it? Join other 18-30s at this informal conversation to share your experiences and connect with others from around the world.

No need to RSVP – just show up with your favourite hot drink (appropriate to your time zone)!

Join us on Zoom:


Meeting ...

akasajoti's picture

Walking to the Seat of Awakening – Countdown to #buddhaday – 4 days to go...

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 May, 2020 - 22:44

Walking to the Seat of Awakening – Countdown to #buddhaday – 4 days to go...

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 May, 2020 - 22:44

As a special treat for you all this week as we countdown to #buddhaday we will be releasing a series of dharma reflections and evocations of the Buddha over the coming days…⠀

In a conversation between friends, Punyamala speaks to Ratnavuha about her inspiration from some verses contained within the Lalitavistara Sutra which describe the Buddha as he walks to the seat of enlightenment. Together, they explore the image and significance of walking, and how this story draws out the timeless...

akasajoti's picture

The Travellers from Orissa – Countdown to #buddhaday – 5 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 22:01

The Travellers from Orissa – Countdown to #buddhaday – 5 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 22:01

As a special treat for you all this week as we countdown to #buddhaday we will be releasing a series of dharma reflections each day…⠀

Here, Maitreyabandhu reads us a poem from his second collection called Yarn.

According to tradition, two travellers met the Buddha just after his enlightenment and became his first disciples, Tapussa and Bhallika. They disappear from literature after that point, and the Travellers from Orissa is a long dramatic monologue, written by Maitreyabandhu, imagining their story.

Make some space and sit comfortably...

Shantavira's picture

Shabda May 2020

From Order Connection on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 15:40

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save time and postage costs.

Terms and...

akasajoti's picture

Words in Praise of the Buddha – Countdown to #buddhaday – 6 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 14:04

Words in Praise of the Buddha – Countdown to #buddhaday – 6 days to go...

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 14:04

As a special treat for you all this week as we countdown to #buddhaday we will be releasing a series of dharma reflections each day…⠀

Ratnavyuha and Dhiramuni, two friends from Auckland, New Zealand, share their inspiration from some verses in praise of the Buddha, contained within the first chapter of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa. They offer an audio recording of the verses, and a practice suggestion for a reflective writing exercise for you to engage with.

Practice Suggestion:
• Listen to the...

dhammamegha's picture

Free eBook - week 7

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 13:53

Free eBook - week 7

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 13:53

This week’s free eBook is A Deeper Beauty: Buddhist Reflections on Everyday Life by Paramananda. You can download it here until 18 May
One sentence from Paramananda struck me over the weekend: “We suffer from a form of forgetfulness brought about by the lack of spaciousness.” 
This book is a beautiful guide, within whatever time you have, to finding a path into spaciousness. Through poetry and reflections, Paramananda lives and teaches how to take the time...

ratnadharini's picture

Chairs' Letter – April 2020

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 11:06

Chairs' Letter – April 2020

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 4 May, 2020 - 11:06

Dear Order members

April was a month that for most of us meant getting used to social distancing or lockdown; concern about the health of ourself or those near and dear to us; and financial anxiety – whether our own or that of the Buddhist Centres and other institutions. Some countries are beginning to consider how and when they might begin to lift restrictions; others are facing worsening conditions of health, finances, and even access to food.

We can only speculate about the future....
