viveka's picture

Reflecting on Racism with James Baldwin

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 15:51

Reflecting on Racism with James Baldwin

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 15:51

Dear Sangha friends,

I wanted to offer you a podcast to listen to in these times.

Listen to the podcast on ‘Nothing Is Fixed’ by James Baldwin’

Paramananda and I met on May 25 to record a conversation for The Buddhist Centre Online. At the time George Floyd had not yet died an unjust death in an encounter with police. Another black man Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting while jogging in Georgia was in the news. Our...

viveka's picture

For Nothing Is Fixed: Reflecting on Racism

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 15:39

Dear Sangha friends,

I wanted to offer you a podcast to listen to in these times. Paramananda and I met on May 25 to record a conversation for The Buddhist Centre Online. At the time George Floyd had not yet died an unjust death in an encounter with police. Another black man Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting while jogging in Georgia was in the news. Our conversation began with a poem from James Baldwin and opened to reflections about the relevance and purpose of...

Prajnahridaya's picture

Watch the First 10 Minute Talk in Padmavajra's New Series, 'A Garland of Red Lotus Flowers'

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 12:24

Watch the First 10 Minute Talk in Padmavajra's New Series, 'A Garland of Red Lotus Flowers'

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 12:24

So that you can get a taste of Padmavajra’s series of 50 short videos released over the coming 108 days, the first video is now available for everyone to watch.

Click here to learn more and subscribe to the entire series:

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Centre Team

Meditating in the Mandala (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 29)

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sat, 6 Jun, 2020 - 21:06

To mark our latest Home Retreat, led by Tejananda, an excellent conversation and primer on meditation from a body-focussed perspective. 

Tejananda’s key image is of the dynamic mandala. Dharma practice is itself dynamic and transformative. And the transformation lies in gradually discovering how both we and the world are not at all what we originally supposed! Seeing this, we can begin to uproot the causes of suffering in our own experience.

This approach to practice is centred on the living energy of...

Carol Robertson's picture
Carol Robertson

Lifting the Heart - Connecting Through Puja week 4 (facebook 06.06.20)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sat, 6 Jun, 2020 - 13:26

Lifting the Heart - Connecting Through Puja week 4 (facebook 06.06.20)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sat, 6 Jun, 2020 - 13:26

Lifting the Heart : Connecting Through Puja. We have been exploring themes from the Sevenfold Puja and this week Vajragupta continues by looking at the meaning of the confession section of the puja. A short talk and led meditation live streamed on Facebook, Saturday 6th June, 10.30am. 

Please help keep Croydon Buddhist Centre online, donate at

Maitrisiddhi's picture

Uncontrived Mindfulness: turn your life into a retreat

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 16:39

Uncontrived Mindfulness: turn your life into a retreat

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 16:39

Uncontrived Mindfulness: turn your life into a retreat

27 June – 3 July

A Taraloka on-line meditation retreat led by Vajradevi for Dharmacharinis and women training for ordination.

What is the relationship between mindfulness and wisdom? How can a seemingly simple practice of on-going awareness help us to know the nature of reality? On this retreat we will be using the Buddha’s words in the Satipatthana Sutta to practice with this profound yet accessible teaching. Through periods of formal and informal meditation, we will cultivate awareness...

Liz_Bassett's picture

The Importance of Sangha in India

From Future Dharma on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 15:13

The Importance of Sangha in India

From Future Dharma on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 15:13

The world is in lockdown. In many ways the world is on fire. In this compelling talk, Subhuti focusses on the suffering of thousands of people in India, and rejoices in the Order members and mitras who are bringing food and the Dharma to them. He urges us all to play our part in “bringing something out of the fire”. Subhuti emphasises how our Sangha is making a difference in society, and reminds us that the creation of true Sangha is...

Carol Robertson's picture
Carol Robertson

Buddha Amitabha (Facebook Live 03.06.20)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 13:38

Buddha Amitabha (Facebook Live 03.06.20)

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 - 13:38

Vajragupta gives a short talk and led meditation on the theme of the Buddha Amitabha. Amitabha is not the historical Buddha, but a more mythical Buddha whose name means “infinite light”. He is red in colour and associated with the dusk and setting sun, and with meditation and also love and compassion.
We will explore the symbolism of four Buddhas on Wednesdays in June. 7.30pm, live streamed on Facebook.
Please help keep Croydon Buddhist Centre online,...

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Centre Team

The Compassionate Revolution with Parami (Buddhist Action Month)

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 23:11

The Compassionate Revolution with Parami (Buddhist Action Month)

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 23:11

Sunday June 7: The Compassionate Revolution

USA 11am PST | México 1pm | USA 2pm EST | UK &  IE 7pm | Europe 8pm CET

Reserve a space and donate here

The current situation has shone a stark light on the failings of our society in many spheres of life. As we recover from the covid crisis and rebuild towards a ‘new normal’ we must not...

Christine's picture

Nature-based practice @ wildflower meadows

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 17:39

Nature-based practice @ wildflower meadows

From Buddhist Action on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 17:39

June is the best time to be alive in the northern hemisphere. The optimism of spring is reaching a crescendo, the daylight continue stretching a bit longer with every day. As well, the creative life force that is so unique to this planet is perceptible in the smallest details. As a botanist, I relish the gradual witnessing of plants breaking dormancy, and progressing from green shoots to flowering and onwards to berries once pollinated.

Being underemployed in Vancouver BC during pandemic lockdown...
