For nothing is fixed, forever, forever, forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. ...
Hi, it’s Helen here. This week I’m off furlough and back at work so that Dhammamegha can take a well-earned break.
Since it’s a Monday and the first of the month, we have two resources to announce today – the weekly free eBook and new paperbacks on sale!
This week in Free the Dharma we’re offering a gem of a title in conjunction with Buddhist Action Month (BAM!). The theme for BAM! this year is ‘For the Earth’. The eBook edition of Akuppa’s Saving...
For most of us, May has been another month of lockdown and increased online communication. The worldwide anxiety and fear that began centred around coronavirus, now extends to financial and mental health issues. Even if we are one of the fortunate ones not directly affected and in supportive conditions, we are likely to have friends or family who are not; and we are all going to be indirectly affected by changing worldwide conditions, in ways we can only begin...
Lifting the Heart : Connecting Through Puja. Kalyananara continues our exploration of the meaning of the stages of the Sevenfold Puja. This week he considers Going for Refuge and the Five Precepts (or ethical training principles). A short talk and led meditation live streamed on Facebook, Saturday 30th May, 10.30am.
This year’s Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) - happening around the world throughout June - is about to kick off. The theme is “For the Earth” - and here on the Dharma Toolkit we’ll be looking at the intersection between urgent human issues like climate change, economic inequality and social justice.
The poetic version of this, rooted in personal and community practice, is that we have a perfect opportunity to speak up for the many beings...
This is a non-comprehensive gathering up of some of the provisions being made for ordination training online around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. If you want to share other information to be included or ask a question, you can do so collegeassistant [at] (subject: Ordination%20Training%20Online) (here).
(Updated 30 May)
At Tiratanaloka, UK:
The team at Tiratanaloka have been providing online study weeks, guided Prostration Practice every weekday afternoon on Zoom, as well as continuing personal communication...
Tuesdays, 19:00-21:00, with Visuddhimati, Zoom link here.
This is an ideal class to experience an in-depth taster of meditation or to deepen your existing meditation practice. Visuddhimati of the North London Buddhist Centre has decades of meditation experience.
How can you develop even more kindly awareness in meditation, meeting life’s challenges with resilience? Awareness coupled with kindness can bring about a radical and mysterious transformation in our everyday experience.
Sunday 7 June, 10:00-17:00 4 ways to respond – from de-escalation to insight In this practical, grounded NLBC day retreat, Karunagita will introduce four ways in which we can respond to any experience as it arises, from a Buddhist perspective, touching on ethics, goodwill, and setting up the conditions for Insight. The day will include guidance in just sitting/ formless meditation and an emphasis on direct body experience.
There will be around 4.5 hours on zoom plus suggested mindful...