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Centre Team

Change Your Mind: Change Your Life

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 - 20:30

Change Your Mind: Change Your Life

From Community Highlights on Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 - 20:30

It’s wonderful to explore the nature of mind together, along with Iain McGilchrist, Penny Sartori and Bernado Kastrup. But surely the main thing is to change your mind, to make a real contribution to your life and to the life of those around you. The world needs your courage, wisdom and compassion. 

A retreat is a set of conditions to help you get the best out of your mind. If you do that, your life will flourish and...

Vishvapani's picture

The Sound of One Hand by Satyadasa: Review by Vishvapani

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 - 16:12

The Sound of One Hand by Satyadasa: Review by Vishvapani

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 - 16:12

The Sound of One Hand
By Satyadasa
Yakhorn Press, 2022

Like Satyadasa I’ve been a part of the Triratna Buddhist Community for the whole of my adult life. He’s about a decade younger than me, but many of the Triratna experiences he describes in The Sound of One Hand are shared. Like me, David (as Satyadasa is called up to his ordination) grew up in the middle-class South London suburbs and had an Oxbridge education before pitching into...

Candradasa's picture

Karuna Trust Seeking New Trustees OM

From Triratna News on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 21:23

Karuna Trust Seeking New Trustees OM

From Triratna News on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 21:23

Can you help steer a prominent and dynamic Triratna charity to new heights? If so, Karuna would like to hear from you.
Karuna exists to end discrimination, poverty, and inequality in South Asia. Their work focuses on education, dignified livelihoods, and gender equality, transforming communities and changing society. Since the outbreak of covid, they have directly supported 350,000 people through the pandemic. Now, this work is growing – with new projects in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh...

aparajita's picture

Part-time book-keeper: Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 17:20

Part-time book-keeper: Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 17:20

The Cambridge Buddhist Centre is looking for a part-time Bookkeeper to join the Centre team. You would have responsibility for the day-to-day financial transactions of the Buddhist Centre, working closely with the Centre Manager, Treasurer and Chair. This role is being offered part-time, two or three days a week. A full-time position could be offered on a support basis for a suitable applicant, in which case the role would also include some administration tasks.

For a full job description, please contact ...

Amaradaya's picture

UK & Ireland Area Order Convention 2022

From Order Connection on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 16:30

UK & Ireland Area Order Convention 2022

From Order Connection on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 16:30

UK & Ireland Area Order Convention 2022 - Going Forth, Going Beyond 

17th - 22nd August 2022 

“I decided to go forth from the world as a homeless wanderer as the Buddha and his disciples had done. With me was my friend Satyapriya, whom I had met in Singapore. On the morning of 18 August 1947, therefore, we changed our civilian clothes for the traditional saffron of the ascetic and set out on foot for the plains. In the words of The...

Amalavajra's picture

What The World Needs Now: Triratna Day Saturday April 9

From Order Connection on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 15:36

What The World Needs Now: Triratna Day Saturday April 9

From Order Connection on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 15:36

Join us live for a global celebration online!

About the day
Triratna Day 2022 will focus on our contribution to the world: a vision of truth, communicated in a culture of kalyana mitrata (“beautiful friendship”), for the benefit of all. The day will be an experience of that, especially of being part of a global network of friendships for the good.

We’ll have four events—meditation, talk, a seminar and a puja—hosted from Adhisthana, Berlin, and the Americas. Translation will be available...

Zac's picture

Dharmabyte: The Relational Quality of Sadhana

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 06:00

Bhante has said that his sadhana practices and the teachers who gave him the practices are ‘inseparable’. Dayanandi tells some of the stories of how Bhante Sangharakshira received each of his sadhanas.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Bhante, His Teachers and Sadhanas given on the Women’s Private Preceptors’ Retreat at Adhisthana, February 2019, as part of the series Talks from Women’s Private Preceptors’ Retreat, February 2019.


Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast:  ...

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Centre Team

Mythic Dress-Up Sangha Time!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 00:39

Mythic Dress-Up Sangha Time!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 00:39

One big community of the heart and imagination

Saturday April 16 (northern hemisphere)
Sunday April 17 (southern hemisphere)

2 hrs: USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | India 23:30 | Australia AEDT 04.00 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 06.00 (next day)

Find out more and join us for a new kind of Dharma event for 2022


About the event

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Mythic Dress-Up Sangha Time!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 00:39

Mythic Dress-Up Sangha Time!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 4 Apr, 2022 - 00:39

One big community of the heart and imagination

Saturday April 16 (northern hemisphere)
Sunday April 17 (southern hemisphere)

2 hrs: USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | India 23:30 | Australia AEDT 04.00 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 06.00 (next day)

Find out more and join us for a new kind of Dharma event for 2022


About the event
