Sophie_WLBCPublicity's picture

Introduction to Buddhism: Path to Freedom

From West London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 29 May, 2021 - 11:45

Introduction to Buddhism: Path to Freedom

From West London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 29 May, 2021 - 11:45

This course will run on six Tuesdays 22 June to 3 August (*no class on Tuesday 13 July), 7-9.15pm.

Looking for a clear overview of essential teachings and practices at the heart of Buddhism? Join us for this course on key aspects of the Buddhist tradition that offer a path to greater freedom and confidence in the face of these unprecedented and uncertain times. We explore how to apply the teachings in your day-to-day life. 

Classes will include a mixture of discussion, presentation and...

Sophie_WLBCPublicity's picture

Online Weekend Retreat: To Boldly Go...

From West London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 29 May, 2021 - 11:36

Online Weekend Retreat: To Boldly Go...

From West London Buddhist Centre on Sat, 29 May, 2021 - 11:36

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.’

Marianne Williamson

Join Bodhilila and Prajnanita as we boldly explore the world of Amoghasiddhi, the archetypal Buddha of action and fearlessness. His name means, ‘Unobstructed Success’ and he is particularly associated with integration and the union of opposites. On this retreat we will find out how the Buddha worked with anxiety and fear while also being inspired and...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

In the Footsteps of the Buddha - Seven New Talks by Nagasiddhi

From Free Buddhist Audio on Fri, 28 May, 2021 - 22:04

In the Footsteps of the Buddha - Seven New Talks by Nagasiddhi

From Free Buddhist Audio on Fri, 28 May, 2021 - 22:04

As a launch series for Free Buddhist Audio on YouTube, a wonderful new set of talks given by Nagasiddhi. We are taken through seven key stages of the Buddha’s mythic quest, from his unsure setting out, through his wrong turnings, his breakthroughs and his decision to share what he had learned with others. A perfect way to celebrate Buddha Day as Nagasiddhi brings his infectious sense of imagination, play and grounded experience to bear on a story...

ECA Safeguarding's picture
ECA Safeguarding

Safeguarding training for Safeguarding officers and trustees

From Triratna Safeguarding on Fri, 28 May, 2021 - 10:18

Safeguarding training for Safeguarding officers and trustees

From Triratna Safeguarding on Fri, 28 May, 2021 - 10:18

Dear Triratna Safeguardians,

We’re increasingly asked about training for Safeguarding. The good news is that it’s available online, more cheaply and accessibly than ever.

  1. Training may be available from your local authority.
  2. The NSPCC offer well-regarded training for Safeguarding children.
  3. Thirtyone:eight are a Christian Safeguarding charity offering a range of courses specifically for Safeguarding in faith groups of all kinds.
  4. And Amaladipa and I at the ECA Safeguarding team have been planning to run online training specifically tailored to the kinds of situations
  5. ...
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Retelling the Tale of the Buddha (Buddha Day 2021)

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 20:27

Retelling the Tale of the Buddha (Buddha Day 2021)

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 20:27

For Buddha Day this year, we decided to offer up a treat from this year’s fantastic Home Retreat looking at the mythical life of the Buddha and its urgent relevance to us today.

Check out Buddha Day celebrations around Triratna

Follow us on Instagram for live updates all weekend

​Listen to a new series of seven talks by Nagasiddhi on the Buddha’s life

First, we have a beautiful re-telling of the Buddha’s life story told live with handmade sets and puppetry by Mandarava...

ECA Safeguarding's picture
ECA Safeguarding

Trustee gatherings with the ECA Safeguarding team

From Triratna Safeguarding on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 13:56

Trustee gatherings with the ECA Safeguarding team

From Triratna Safeguarding on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 13:56

Would your centre council/trustees welcome a chance to meet the ECA’s Safeguarding team on Zoom sometime?

Amaladipa and I recently spent two hours on Zoom with the trustees of one Triratna charity. It was an informal opportunity for them to ask questions about Safeguarding and their responsibilities and they afterwards said how very helpful it had been. We enjoyed it too.

If you’d like to discuss this, or just suggest dates, email us at safeguarding [at]

We’re available from September...

ECA Safeguarding's picture
ECA Safeguarding

Online gathering for Safeguarding officers 28th June 2021

From Triratna Safeguarding on Wed, 26 May, 2021 - 15:21

Online gathering for Safeguarding officers 28th June 2021

From Triratna Safeguarding on Wed, 26 May, 2021 - 15:21

Dear Triratna Safeguarding friends,

Want to get together with other Triratna Safeguarding officers for mutual support?

At the ECA Safeguarding team we know that being a centre Safeguarding officer can sometimes be a demanding and lonely job. So we’ll be offering a series of Zoom gatherings, starting on

Monday 28th June, 10.30-12.30 GMT

When we see how this one goes we’ll programme further meetings at various times and on various days of the week, to suit different time zones and working patterns.

To book, please email safeguarding [at]

With metta,
Munisha and Amaladipa

tejadhamma's picture

Out reach to help poor

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Tue, 25 May, 2021 - 10:26

Out reach to help poor

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Tue, 25 May, 2021 - 10:26

We are reaching in lockdown to poor who has no access of earning, our out reaching is helping them to get food at least so they survive in this Covid Crisis at Nagpur. Our voulenteers are fully dedicated to help who need.

We are very much thankful to our donors, because of their practice of generosity; this is possible. Many need help, your donation is used in best way. Please visit our link to donate.

Your donation enable us to help many...

Subhadramati's picture

Ordinations at Taraloka

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 24 May, 2021 - 11:14

Ordinations at Taraloka

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 24 May, 2021 - 11:14

I’m very happy to let you know that ten public ordinations took place at Taraloka on the afternoon of Sunday 23rd May. This culminates the UK spring ordination retreats led by Subhadramati, Vajratara, Hridayagita and Danayutta from Taraloka over the last five weeks. The new order members did the retreat with their private preceptors at various locations in the UK with a full online retreat programme from Taraloka. We’re delighted that this was able to take place despite demanding conditions.  

Pat MacKenzie from Llangollen becomes Karunasati (a...

tejadhamma's picture

Reaching more people in Second Wave to help

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Fri, 21 May, 2021 - 14:09

Reaching more people in Second Wave to help

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Fri, 21 May, 2021 - 14:09

We are helping the vulnerabel who don’t have jobs, no earnings and no food. In Nagpur we are reaching out with cooked food for those who haven’t food, giving masks to those who havn’t masks and providing medicine to those are unable to purchase. We are very much thankful to our donors, because of this is possible. Please visit our link to donate

Your donation enable us to help many more in this second wave of Corona and...
