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Dhammachari Vajrasambhava, 1970-2012

From Triratna News on Thu, 12 Apr, 2012 - 15:07

Dhammachari Vajrasambhava, 1970-2012

From Triratna News on Thu, 12 Apr, 2012 - 15:07Kumarjeev writes from India with news of the death of Order Member Vajrasambhava, saying “Dear brothers and sisters, Vajrasambhava passed away on April 9 this month. Please send your metta for him and his family. He has a daughter Visakha, 19, studying Ayurvedic medicine, and son Suvajra, 15, studying in 11th standard. His children and wife Vidya are the family left behind him.

Vajrasambhava was ordained in 2008 and lived near Mumbai in Maharastra. With metta, Kumarjeev”

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Everything In Moderation? No!

From Triratna News on Sun, 8 Apr, 2012 - 06:21

Everything In Moderation? No!

From Triratna News on Sun, 8 Apr, 2012 - 06:21Buddhism’s all about accepting what is, not fighting, becoming calm and peaceful - right? Maybe - maybe not… Over at Triratna’s West London Buddhist Centre they’ve been running all-night meditations for a while now, backed up by some great posters and publicity we’re delighted to reproduce below…

“Just what the doctor ordered! A short sharp dose of Dharma. Burning rainbows in a black jungle…

‘I feel really bad tonight…Lonely and bored. I’m going to watch some...
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Padmaloka Welcomes New Buddha

From Triratna News on Wed, 4 Apr, 2012 - 06:03

Padmaloka Welcomes New Buddha

From Triratna News on Wed, 4 Apr, 2012 - 06:03Lokeshvara writes from Padmaloka, Triratna’s long-established men’s retreat centre in Norfolk UK, with news of - the arrival of their Buddha! This is part of their long-running project to populate every part of the shrineroom with images of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, mostly if not entirely painted and sculpted by Aloka. He says -

“If you haven’t been here since New Year, we have to tell you that we have a new Buddha made by Aloka...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Becoming a Bodhisattva

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Tue, 3 Apr, 2012 - 00:00
Khemasuri talks about the Mahayana, Santideva, Vasubandhu, and how to be a novice Bodhisattva.
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Triratna Mindfulness-Based Projects - A Summary

From Triratna News on Mon, 2 Apr, 2012 - 05:54

Triratna Mindfulness-Based Projects - A Summary

From Triratna News on Mon, 2 Apr, 2012 - 05:54Vishvapani writes with an update on the state of play for Triratna Mindfulness-Based Projects - one of its major growth areas over the past few years. He says - “One of the biggest developments in the Triratna Buddhist Community over the last few years has been the growth of mindfulness-courses. This mirrors the rapid spread of mindfulness and meditation in healthcare settings such as the UK’s National Health Service.

Five years ago I wrote an article for Triratna...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Rambles Around Spiritual Death and Rebirth

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Mon, 2 Apr, 2012 - 00:00
Maitreyabandhu visited the Croydon Buddhist Centre to conduct a series of rambles based on the System of Training, with focus on Spiritual Death and rebirth
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Art Exhibition in Helsinki: The Forest Speaks

From Triratna News on Sun, 1 Apr, 2012 - 06:20

Art Exhibition in Helsinki: The Forest Speaks

From Triratna News on Sun, 1 Apr, 2012 - 06:20Any readers of Triratna News who happen to be in Helsinki in April are warmly invited to visit a exhibition entitled ‘The Forest Speaks’ (‘Metsä puhuu’ in Finnish), created by two Order Members Akasaka and Nagashila. Akasaka writes, saying - “The Forest Speaks exhibition is the current result of a collaboration between myself, an Englishwoman and graphic artist, newly arrived in Finland, and Nagashila, a Finnish painter. Our collaboration started in the Koli Ryynänen artist residence in 2008.
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Sangharakshita's Diary, March 2012

From Triratna News on Sat, 31 Mar, 2012 - 05:57

Sangharakshita's Diary, March 2012

From Triratna News on Sat, 31 Mar, 2012 - 05:57Vidyaruci, Sangharakshita’s secretary, writes with his usual update on highlights from the past month, saying - “Bhante’s daily routine remains constant through the change of season, with snowdrops and daffodils now embellishing his daily walk. He has felt a little more easily tired recently, for whatever reason, but has still had visitors most days, including a group of women from Colchester, and a mixed group from Tonbridge in the company of Suryaketu. Suvajra came with a Tibetan lama friend, now...
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Triratna in Kerala - a report

From Triratna News on Thu, 29 Mar, 2012 - 05:37

Triratna in Kerala - a report

From Triratna News on Thu, 29 Mar, 2012 - 05:37Triratna has been established in India for well over thirty years now, with a dozen or more Buddhist Centres, several hundred Order Members and well over 5,000 Mitras. In recent years, however, it has begun to expand more vigorously from its base in Maharastra, central India - and today we bring you the first of several reports from some of its more pioneering activities in that great county. Central to Triratna’s expansion is the Nagarjuna Training Institute in Nagpur where...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Right Craftsmanship and the God of Technology

From Windhorse Evolution on Wed, 28 Mar, 2012 - 00:00
In this penultimate talk in the series, Saddharaja explores modern technology in the workplace, and the impact on Team-Based Right Livelihood practice.

There are so many benefits to changing technology - especially the internet, but what about the dark side? How do we deal with that? How can we turn our use of cutting-edge technology into a spiritual practice? Saddharaja explores the practice of discernment, and how to avoid the many well known pitfalls and distractions of the digital age.

He advocates we seek the Middle Way, and makes six suggestions which he terms 'Right Craftsmanship': 1) Upskilling and downskilling, 2) The value of awareness, 3) Talk to your friends, 4) Reflect on unsatisfactoriness and impermanence, 5) Buddhist worship not techno-worship, 6) Time away from technology.

He peppers the talk with stories, visual images and finally ends with a beautiful poem from Ryokan.
