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The System of Practice in the Triranta Buddhist Community

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 09:50

The System of Practice in the Triranta Buddhist Community

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 09:50A talk by Bodhinaga at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, laying out the 5fold System of Spiritual Practice in the Triratna Buddhist Community. Given as part of a series of talks on the Refuge Tree of the Triratna Buddhist Order on 28th August 2012.
bodhinaga's picture

Sangharakshita and the Founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 09:42

Sangharakshita and the Founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 09:42Satyajyoti talks about Sangharakshita’s life, how he came to found the Triratna Buddhist Order and the principles upon which it is founded. Given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 21st August 2012 as part of a series of talks on the Refuge Tree of the Triratna Buddhist Order.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Meet a Buddhist - Jnanavaca (Urban Retreat 2012)

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 01:00
Subhadramati interviews the LBC's Chairman, Jnanavaca about his experience of Buddhist life and work, on Monday 17th September, as part of the LBC's Urban Retreat 2012.
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Free Buddhist Audio

There Ain't Nothing Here But Us Chickens (Urban Retreat 2012)

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 01:00
Talk given by Maitreyabandhu at the LBC's Urban Retreat 2012 on Wednesday 19th September.
Candradasa's picture

The Positive Nidanas - Sources

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 20:59

The Positive Nidanas - Sources

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 20:59Tonight at the class, as part of Suddhayu’s excellent series on the Tibetan Wheel of Life, we’ll be exploring the Nidanas somewhat experientially. The ‘nidana chain’, in more established Buddhist usage, is a list of twelve identifiable elements in the grand, complex process of cause and effect that conduces to our sufferings. In that sense it’s also a dynamic model of how pratitya samutpada works in the world and in our minds (not that...
Munisha's picture

'A Buddhist Manifesto' - Interview with Subhuti

From Community Highlights on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 18:05

'A Buddhist Manifesto' - Interview with Subhuti

From Community Highlights on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 18:05We recently published news of the publication of Subhuti’s ‘A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community’. You may have wondered what was behind this publication? To find out, the Clear Vision team interviewed Subhuti during the European Order Gathering in August…

You can also watch the highlights!
lokabandhu's picture

European Chairs Assembly Summer Gathering - a report

From Triratna News on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 05:31

European Chairs Assembly Summer Gathering - a report

From Triratna News on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 05:31Lokabandhu writes with a report from the recent Triratna European Chairs Assembly, saying “From late July to early August around 50 Triratna Chairmen and women gathered at Vajrasana, the London Buddhist Centre’s Suffolk retreat centre, for the twice-yearly meeting of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s European Chairs Assembly. Here’s a short report on what transpired…

The Assembly (colloquially known as the ECA) plays an important part in Triratna’s overall organisation, thanks mostly to its twenty-year history, the...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Réflexions sur soi et autre

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 00:00
Une causerie de Vajrapushpa pour la sangha de Paris qui explore le paradoxe et les tensions existants entre le développement personnel et la dimension altruiste qui sont caractéristiques de la voie ; la tension entre nos propres besoins et les besoins des autres. On peut l'approcher en se libérant particulièrement des 3 entraves : l'attachement à soi, la dépendance aux règles et rituels et le doute. Et en réalisant que notre propre pratique n'existe qu'en relation avec les autres, le domaine des préceptes, des brahma vihara (la bienveillance, la réjouissance, la compassion et l'équanimité) et de la communication aimante.

Conférence donnée en anglais et traduite par Ujumani, au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris

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Free Buddhist Audio

Réflexions sur soi et autre

From Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 00:00
Une causerie de Vajrapushpa pour la sangha de Paris qui explore le paradoxe et les tensions existants entre le développement personnel et la dimension altruiste qui sont caractéristiques de la voie ; la tension entre nos propres besoins et les besoins des autres. On peut l'approcher en se libérant particulièrement des 3 entraves : l'attachement à soi, la dépendance aux règles et rituels et le doute. Et en réalisant que notre propre pratique n'existe qu'en relation avec les autres, le domaine des préceptes, des brahma vihara (la bienveillance, la réjouissance, la compassion et l'équanimité) et de la communication aimante.

Conférence donnée en anglais et traduite par Ujumani, au centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris
