Saddhammapradip's picture

Invitee Going for Refuge Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 09:38

Invitee Going for Refuge Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 09:38

Invitee Going for Refuge Retreat from 14th to 22nd Mar 2015. It was led by Dhammachari Ratnashil on Subject Satipattan Sutta. Near abour 65 person attended retreat.

Saddhammapradip's picture

Bed Sheet Cleaning

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 09:04

Bed Sheet Cleaning

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 09:04

Off Retreat work bed sheet washing and drying. From some years going it manually but in near future thinking of doing it with machine.

Saddhammapradip's picture

Community Members Evening Walk

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 08:53

Community Members Evening Walk

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 08:53

Community member goes for walk to near by mountain to get boarder view of valley.

Suchandra's picture

Minor Maintenance

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 08:29

Minor Maintenance

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 29 Mar, 2015 - 08:29

Minor Maintenance work going near kitchen building, removing and shifting of asbestos sheet under concrete block as it was got weak from one side

kamalashila's picture

Order Sundays Events APRIL: Paramananda and Kamalashila OM

From Community Highlights on Sat, 28 Mar, 2015 - 19:32

Order Sundays Events APRIL: Paramananda and Kamalashila OM

From Community Highlights on Sat, 28 Mar, 2015 - 19:32

DHARMA SUNDAYS A space for Order members to share experience of meditation and the view of the path overall.
Sundays 10am to 5pm West London Buddhist Centre 45a Porchester Road W2 5PT (opp.Royal Oak; Paddington, Queensway Bayswater 10m)
We’ll let in latecomers if we can, but please arrive on time.

April 12 Paramananda The Alchemical Heart: applying the alchemical metaphor to the craft of meditation. 
In his mature work carl Jung turned increasingly towards...

vajratara's picture

The Indian Dharmacharinis have arrived!

The Indian Dharmacharinis have arrived!

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Fri, 27 Mar, 2015 - 08:49

Shraddhavajri and Vidyadharini have arrived at Adhisthana and wanted to thank the IDT donors for sponsoring them.  They are benefitting already from their time in the UK and the women’s course are certainly benefitting from them being here.  Thank you for all your help in helping broaden and deepen the Dharma Revolution in India.  Your help goes a long way.

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Pure and Impure Buddhalands - Seeing the Jewel Tree

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
In a further talk at the Bristol Buddhist Centre in the series on Building The Buddhaland, Taranita draws on the Song of Zazen from Hakuin, the image of Entering the Marketplace with Bliss Bestowing Hands, Brad Warner and Dogen to help describe the practice of Building the Buddhaland in this very moment.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Swan Song

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
An informal talk full of poems and reflections on life, death, friendship and faith, on the choices that we make, and why? After 10 years as Mitra Convenor Saraha relishes life, relishes the love of living, the love of love.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Eros and Beauty - Beauty As Refuge

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
Subhadramati continues the series exploring the place of Eros and Beauty in the Buddhist life by drawing out the experience of poetry and connecting with strangers. From 26th January 2015
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Free Buddhist Audio

Eros and Beauty - Jnanavaca On Fire

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 26 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
Continuing the seminar series exploring Eros and Beauty, Jnanavaca draws inspiration from Keats on the ascent of beauty. With some questions and answers. 9th March 2015
