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Free Buddhist Audio

Sangharakshita As Friend and Teacher

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Sat, 18 Apr, 2015 - 00:00
A personal talk by Guhyavajra reminiscing about Sangharakshita as friend and teacher. Talk given the 17th of april 2015 at the Stockholm Buddhist center
Satyalila's picture

Translation Alchemy And Insight Practice In The Order Crucible

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 - 16:54

An imaginative perspective on Bhante as Alchemist-Translator and his ‘opus’.

Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble.
If I stay it will be double.
(The Clash)
It is difficult to go forth (from home to the homeless life); and difficult to delight therein once one has gone forth. (At the same time) household life is painful…
(Dhammapada v 302)

Khemasuri's picture

The Triratna Buddhist Order In A Post-Sangharakshita Era

The Triratna Buddhist Order In A Post-Sangharakshita Era

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 - 16:48

This paper is intended for members of the Triratna Buddhist Order and also those in training to enter the Order.

It has come out of a desire to honour the way the Order has been set up by Sangharakshita and a heartfelt aspiration for the Order to both survive and, more than that, to thrive after his death…

To download, click to read and choose ‘download’ from the sharing options (top right of the on-screen controls).

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Free Buddhist Audio

Building the Buddhaland

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 - 01:00
Suryamati explores the teaching on the Samgrahavastus, the four means of unification. A talk given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre, as part of a series of talks on Buddhism Through Time and Space.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Myths and Parables From the White Lotus Sutra - Queerer Than We Can Suppose

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 15 Apr, 2015 - 00:00
Subhadramati continues the Dharma night series exploring the wisdom of the White Lotus Sutra by reflecting on the setting and context of the parables. From Monday 13th April
vajratara's picture

Happy 124th Birthday Dr Ambedkar!

Happy 124th Birthday Dr Ambedkar!

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Tue, 14 Apr, 2015 - 15:27

Today is the 124th birthday of Dr Ambedkar who did so much for India, including drafting the constitution based on Buddhist principles.  However, it isn’t just India.  He presented a vision for the future: a society based on Buddhist principles and a radical Sangha to put those principles into action.  The IDT is committed to encouraging and supporting the Dhamma Revolution he began, in India and beyond.  ”To spread Buddhism is to serve mankind.”

sucimani's picture

UK & Ireland Area Council OM

From Triratna International Council on Mon, 13 Apr, 2015 - 18:11

UK & Ireland Area Council (group) OM

From Triratna International Council on Mon, 13 Apr, 2015 - 18:11

Hello dear UK & Ireland council members and welcome to our group. Feel free to post anything that may be of interest.

Nandavajra's picture


From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 12 Apr, 2015 - 19:46


From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 12 Apr, 2015 - 19:46


Croydon Buddhist Centre is looking for two Order Members to join the centre team. Firstly, we need a new Chair to engage with this busy and lively urban sangha – someone with energy, excellent communication skills and who enjoys making and supporting friendships.  

We have raised funds to revitalise the centre shrine room and our recently opened right livelihood charity shop Hidden Gems is...

Vimalasara's picture

Walking My Talk

Walking My Talk

From Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction on Sat, 11 Apr, 2015 - 06:59

 I decided it was about time I make some more effort at walking my talk. So what better opportunity do I have but to work through the 8 steps that I co-founded to take me out of my misery? Although many of the teachings I speak about in the book, were inspirations for me to change my life. I’ve not surrendered to a mentor/sponsor to take me systematically through the set of 8 steps. 

While writing the notes on...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Enlightenment Erupts In Our World

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 10 Apr, 2015 - 01:00
A talk given by Vadanya for Sangha Night at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 1 October 2013 as part of a series of talks on Buddhism Through Time and Space.
