jvalamalini's picture

Day 3: Metta and Aksobhya day

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 13:59

Day 3: Metta and Aksobhya day

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 13:59A damp grey Monday morning outside and the warmth of the Sangha and colour of the mandala in our shrine room.

Today we’re exploring metta in the brahma vihara realm and allowing Aksobhya’s qualities to draw us.

We did metta exercises in pairs, looking at each other with metta, and describing ourselves as our best friend would, then Ratnavandana gave a lovely short introduction to the metta bhavana which she led. She talked about not ‘doing’ the practice...
Yashobodhi's picture

Aryaloka String Quarted playing at the WLBC

From West London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 09:55

Aryaloka String Quarted playing at the WLBC

From West London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 09:55
On Saturday there will be another cultural event at the WLBC.
The Aryaloka String Quartet has come over from the States to do a series of concerts in the UK. They will be playing works by Bach, Bartok, Mendelssohn and Pärt.
More info here:
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Free Buddhist Audio

Living In the Mandala (With Guided Meditation)

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
In her second talk of the 2015 Rainy Season Retreat in Bristol, UK, Ratnavandana embarks on a personal sharing of how her life has been transformed by deciding to go and live in the mandala of the Brahma Viharas and the Jinas themselves. Her deep love of the practices represents both an inspired and eminently practical vision of how to orientate yourself on the great map of the way... Includes a guided meditation practice to help you find your feet wherever you are!
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introduction to the Brahma Viharas (With Guided Meditation)

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
A beautiful introduction by Ratnavandana to the Brahma Viharas as an integrated set of practices flowing from metta - loving kindness. Her central image is that of a tree, deep rooted and spreading its canopy wide as she evokes a profound, personal connection to the cultivation of the sublime abodes - loving kindness, compassion, joy with others, and equanimity. Ratnavandana also leads a guided meditation on cultivating a connection to the Brahma Viharas. This talk was given as part of the 2015 Rainy Season Retreat at Bristol Buddhist Centre.
jvalamalini's picture

Urban Retreat Tips – The Power of Intention

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 09:59

Urban Retreat Tips – The Power of Intention

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 09:59What is your wish for this retreat?

  • Spend time forming a clear, simple wish – eg “I’d like to be more friendly”, “I’d like to stay more soft and open”, “I’d like to be emotionally honest with myself”
  • The essence of practice is to remember this wish, and to ‘stop and real-ise’ – connect – with your body, with what’s going round your head, with your heart. Where are you in relation to your wish? Where are you in relation to
  • ...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Entering Into a Life In the Dharma

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
A talk given by Saddhaloka at the Ordination Training Weekend in february 2015
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Free Buddhist Audio

Going Forth - Two Talks From the Young Buddhists Day At Padmaloka

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
2 Talks given at the Young Buddhists Day on Going Forth at Padmaloka in December 2014
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Muddy Path

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
A short exploration of what the spiritual life consists in, a path above two dangers, and the issue of the Guide. This talk by Maitreyabandhu was given at the Ordination Training Weekend in february 2014.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Ten Pillars - Introducing the First Part of the Paper

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 00:00
Padmavajra introduces the first part of the Ten Pillars paper given by Sangharakshita in 1984. This talk is given by Padmavajra to men on an Ordination Training Retreat exploring the Ten Precepts in 2014.
