Amalaketu's picture

Buddhafield Green Earth Awakening!

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Wed, 27 May, 2015 - 12:25

Buddhafield Green Earth Awakening!

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Wed, 27 May, 2015 - 12:25

I’m just back from an amazing time at Buddhafields Green Earth Awakening, focusing on Buddhism and the Environment. There were some brilliant talks, workshops and rituals, and I’ve come away inspired and invigorated (and with a self-carved wooden spoon!). Next years GEA will be in September, so if you love Buddhafield, and want to be part of something special, do come ...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Spiritual Rebirth - Dancing with Life

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 27 May, 2015 - 00:00
Jvalamalini talks about how we can practise with spiritual rebirth by recognising and developing the faculty of faith in our daily lives. She introduces the dakini as a symbol of spiritual death and rebirth. Part of a series on Building a Buddhaland by Creating Ourselves, looking at the 5 aspects of a Dharma life (Triratna system of practice)
Shrijnana's picture

BAM schedule of events at Aryaloka

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 23:12

BAM schedule of events at Aryaloka

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 23:12

BAM Opening Ritual Tuesday, June 2 at 7 PM during Friends Night, led by Lilasiddhi.

Living Simply in June Give something, or a number of things, up for the month, e.g., coffees in cafés, chocolate, cinema, newspapers. Work out how much you save and give it away.

Amnesty International Letter Writing Night Sunday, June 7 at 4 PM at Aryaloka.

Jenness Beach Cleanup with Blue Ocean Society Wednesday, June 10, 6:30 PM. Meet at the beach.

Cape Neddick Beach Cleanup with Blue Ocean Society Saturday, June...

ratnadharini's picture

Health of Dharmacharini Amarashraddha, the Netherlands

From Order Connection on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 17:40

Health of Dharmacharini Amarashraddha, the Netherlands

From Order Connection on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 17:40

Dear brothers and sisters,

Amarasraddha has asked me to let you know that three weeks ago she discovered that she has cancer (of the oesophagus and stomach), and three days ago heard that it is inoperable (incurable); she will now be exploring the options of palliative radio and / or chemotherapy. She is tired and needing to take liquid food, but is in positive states of mind and appreciates the support of the practices she has learned.

Please bear her...

Vidyatara's picture

Exploring Sadhana - talks from the May 2015 women's Private Preceptors retreat OM

From College of Public Preceptors on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 12:57

Here are mp3 audio recordings of a couple of talks from the women’s Private Preceptors retreat (1-8 May 2015) on the theme of exploring sadhana based on the 2011 paper Initiation into a New Life (from Subhuti’s Seven Papers).

vajratara's picture

World on Fire - Buddhism in the Modern World

From Buddhist Action Month 2014 on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 12:11

World on Fire - Buddhism in the Modern World

From Buddhist Action Month 2014 on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 12:11

6pm Friday 26 June - 3pm Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Buddha said the world was “on fire” – burning with greed, hatred, and delusion. What have today’s Buddhists got to say about the state of the modern world, or about the contribution Buddhism can make to improving it? Vaddhaka (whose book on Buddhism and Capitalism - The Buddha On Wall Street - has just been published) will present and compare the ideas of some contemporary Buddhist thinkers, such as...

vajratara's picture

Retreat for young Dharmacharinis and women training for Ordination

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 11:59

Retreat for young Dharmacharinis and women training for Ordination

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 11:59

A weekend for young women exploring Buddhism in the modern world. What world is Buddhism entering into, and how will your choices now effect that world in the future? Ratnadharini and Padmasuri, both Public Preceptors, will be joining us, so it is a chance to meet them too.  

Young means under 40 in this instance (basically so that Karunadhi and Vajratara can still come!) and the cost is £85/ £105/ £140, but we have a bursary fund if you can’t afford...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Myths and Parables From the White Lotus Sutra ; The Eternal Buddha

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 26 May, 2015 - 00:00
The Buddha was an historical figure who walked the earth needing food and shelter like the rest of us. But in his essence he was also beyond history. In this talk Jnanavaca explores the relative realities of history and myth, and how by expanding our perception of what we take to be true, we might find true liberation of the heart.
viradhamma's picture

October 2015 Delegation to India: New Itinerary

From DharmaJiva on Mon, 25 May, 2015 - 23:52

October 2015 Delegation to India: New Itinerary

From DharmaJiva on Mon, 25 May, 2015 - 23:52

The DharmaJiva delegation to India planned for October 13 to November 2 will now include a special visit to the Dhiksha Bhumi celebrations in Nagpur where hundreds of thousands of Indian Buddhists will gather to commemorate the first mass conversion led by Dr. Ambedkar in 1956.  The trip will also include a pilgrimage to Bodh Gaya and other Buddhist holy sites and visits to the retreat centers, social projects and Buddhist temples of central India.  There are still a few...

Sadayasihi's picture

Buddhist Action Month 2015 in Dublin

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Mon, 25 May, 2015 - 10:26

Buddhist Action Month 2015 in Dublin

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Mon, 25 May, 2015 - 10:26

This is the first year that the Dublin Buddhist Centre has gotten actively involved in Buddhist Action Month.  It has been enthusiastically embraced by the Centre team and the Sangha and now most of the events happening in June have been ‘BAM!’-ed!   To get into the spirit of BAM all events are on a donation or dana basis, (though there is a non-refundable €50 booking deposit for the Cavan retreat).

In the run up to BAM! we are asking...
