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Free Buddhist Audio

The Gift Relationship

From North London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 5 Jun, 2015 - 01:00
Given at the North London Buddhist Centre at the launch of the book The Buddha on Wall Street.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Myths and Parables From the White Lotus Sutra ; The Burning House

From London Buddhist Centre on Fri, 5 Jun, 2015 - 00:00
What called us to the Dharma? What keeps us returning, and what keeps us away? Silapiya explores the parable of the burning house drawing out advice for how to practice mindfulness in challenging circumstances including with family and in the work place. From 1st June
mokshini's picture

An Apology - a poem by Sangharakshita

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 19:26

An Apology - a poem by Sangharakshita

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 19:26

An Apology

We live in the Age of Apologies. Here is an apology that is much more meaningful than many being made today. 
Mankind owes a profound apology 
To the Birds, for having polluted the air through which they fly, 
To the Ape and the Tiger, for having destroyed the forests in which they live, 
To the Deer and the Bison, for ruthlessly hunting them almost to extinction, 
To the Rivers and Streams, for poisoning them with...

Shrijnana's picture

Buddhist Action Month begins

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 19:10

Buddhist Action Month begins

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 19:10

BAM kicked off at Friends Night this week with a simple dedication ritual, led by Lilasiddhi. One of the activities sangha members are participating in is the taking of personal precepts to live simply during the month. At Friends Night each person wrote their precept on a paper leaf and placed it on the tree. Personal precepts ranged from giving away a bag of clothes each week to eliminating meat consumption to working on reducing gun violence. In keeping...

mokshini's picture

Avalokiteshvara's Tears: What is a compassionate Western Buddhist response to the issues of the 21st century?

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 19:00

Avalokiteshvara's Tears: What is a compassionate Western Buddhist response to the issues of the 21st century?

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 19:00

The theme of the Womens Area Order Weekend at the end of May was to reflect on one of the four ordination vows of the order, that is to acto for the welfare of all beings, relates to the current climate crisis and increasing social injustice: If climate change and injustice equals suffering, is it our duty as an Order to try and do something about it? 

Green Tara was at the centre of this weekend: she exemplifies the perfection of wisdom...

Shrijnana's picture

BAM at Aryaloka: personal precepts for living simply

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 18:56

BAM at Aryaloka: personal precepts for living simply

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 18:56

Members of the Aryaloka sangha are taking on personal precepts to live simply during Buddhist Action Month. After the opening dedication ritual for BAM, each person wrote their precept on a paper leaf and placed it on the tree. Personal precepts ranged from giving away a bag of clothes each week to eliminating meat consumption to working on reducing gun violence. In keeping with the intent of BAM, the tree was made out of recycled cardboard pizza boxes...

Singhamati's picture

Celebrating the Internationality of Triratna Young Buddhists

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 13:45

Celebrating the Internationality of Triratna Young Buddhists

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 13:45

If you come along to a Triratna Young Buddhists group today you may think this thriving project must have been set up and running forever, however this is not the case.  In November 2008, 20 or so Triratna Buddhists of all ages, gathered together to explore how to inspire more young adults to practice the Dharma, having noticed a serious decline in the number of them coming to our Buddhist Centres. As a young Buddhist I could see there weren’t...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Consciousness Unflods - Week Five

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 4 Jun, 2015 - 00:00
Meditation is a way of using the mind to work directly on the mind; but what is mind? By developing awareness of the nature of consciousness we can start to see clearly how mind creates the world and understand the forces in the mind that shape all sentient life and behaviour. In this practical meditation course you will learn how to use meditation as a means of transformation - both inner and outer.
Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Achalaketu

From Order Connection on Wed, 3 Jun, 2015 - 18:49

Death of Dhammachari Achalaketu

From Order Connection on Wed, 3 Jun, 2015 - 18:49

Dear Order members,

I am sad to inform you that  Dhammachari Achalaketu Dapoli (India) passed away at 6.00 A.M. on 23rd May 2015 in KEM hospital Mumbai. Because of diabetes he got an infection after a major leg operation. He was 70 years old.

Achalaketu was ordained in 2012 at Bhaja retreat center, his private preceptor was Dhammachari Adityabodhi, and public preceptor was Chandrashil. He was interested in meditation. He came into contact with Bodhisen in 1993 and devoted his life to...

Alex Swain's picture
Alex Swain

Buddhist Action Month at Ecodharma: Empowering Renewal for Social Action

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Wed, 3 Jun, 2015 - 10:53

Buddhist Action Month at Ecodharma: Empowering Renewal for Social Action

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Wed, 3 Jun, 2015 - 10:53

During Buddhist Action Month, Ecodharma will host a group of campaigners and activists, present to participate on their course Sustaining Resistance: Empowering Renewal. Activists from 4 continents will descend upon the centre, to spend two weeks with members of the ecodharma team, focused on the inner tools and nourishment necessary to sustain their work as social change makers.

Sustaining Resistance is a key strand in the work at Ecodharma, taking essential tools and wisdom from the Dharma and weaving them into a...
