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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha In the Pali Canon

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 2 Jun, 2015 - 00:00
The first in a series of talks for Sangha night about the Buddha in the Pali Canon.
vajradarshini's picture

LGBTQ Retreat in Sweden

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 1 Jun, 2015 - 06:47

LGBTQ Retreat in Sweden

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 1 Jun, 2015 - 06:47

The Stockholm Sangha just held their first LGBTQ (HBTQ in Swedish) retreat, hoisting a rainbow flag at Dharmagiri, their retreat centre north of Stockholm. Fifteen order members, mitras and friends came together from Sweden, Finland and Norway to practice together and to start an exploration of emptiness and form and how gender and sexuality affects the way we practice.

We set the scene with a very thoughtful talk on what helps create a ‘safe space’, an atmosphere where everyone can...

Vidusi's picture

BAM 2015

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Sun, 31 May, 2015 - 13:34

BAM 2015

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Sun, 31 May, 2015 - 13:34

Blackburn Triratna Buddhist Centre is taking part by concentrating on linking altruism and the environment by focusing on interconnectedness

We shall listen to Moksini’s talk and discuss that and the next week we shall be concentrating on Metta, sending it our to the world.In the following week we are having a series of talks on “Altruism, Environment and Interconnectedness” by 3 Mitras (Holly, Liz and Richard) who have requested ordination. The following week we shall be having a Metta Celebration, hosted by another...

MarisaG's picture

BAM 2015 at Norwich Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Sun, 31 May, 2015 - 10:56

BAM 2015 at Norwich Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action Month 2015 on Sun, 31 May, 2015 - 10:56

Buddhist Action Month is here and throughout June the Norwich Triratna Sangha are exploring the theme of Caring for the World through Sustainable Living.  We ask what does sustainable living mean for us as individuals and in our communities and how can we use our Buddhist practice to care for the world?

We are excited to announce that the Centre is going Vegan for June and inviting you try it.  
The Great Vegan Bake Off - a competition.  Calling bakers and...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Shorter Sukhavativyuha Sutra

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 30 May, 2015 - 00:00
In this first talk of a series of three, given during a 4 days seminar at Padmaloka in May 2015, Ratnaguna unfolds and explores some of the aspects of the shorter Sukhavativyuha sutra.
akasharaja's picture

Addendum to death notice for Dipankara

From Order Connection on Fri, 29 May, 2015 - 23:07

Addendum to death notice for Dipankara

From Order Connection on Fri, 29 May, 2015 - 23:07

Dear Order members,

In Dipankara’s case I unfortunately to forgot to add the extra details that are normally included in the notice of the death of an Order member. My apologies for this omission.

Dipankara was ordained in April 1977 by Bhante and took the Avalokiteshvara sadhana. He was living in Katoomba, NSW, Australia, and was 66 years of age at the time of his death.

With metta,

padmasuri's picture

Forthcoming ordinations at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Fri, 29 May, 2015 - 23:04

Forthcoming ordinations at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Fri, 29 May, 2015 - 23:04

The incoming preceptors have arrived safely at the 3-month Akashavana course, and the ordinations of the following women will take place between the evening of 30th May and the evening of 2nd June:

Su Akbar Khan
Kia Almegard
Jo Bailey
Susie Dakini
Alice Fowler
Diane Kaylor
Bente Kjonstad
Kajsa Palo
Lucy Spence
Katharine Walker
Ann Whelan
Tamsin Whitfield
Sylvia Wingens

Their public ordination will begin at 11:00 am local Spanish time on...

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Free Buddhist Audio

A Journey Into The Forest

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 29 May, 2015 - 00:00
Talk given on an East Anglian Womens Retreat 2015.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

A Journey Into The Forest

From Colchester Buddhist Centre on Fri, 29 May, 2015 - 00:00
Talk given on an East Anglian Womens Retreat 2015.
Dharmananda's picture

Death of Dharmachari Dipankara, Australia

From Order Connection on Thu, 28 May, 2015 - 20:48

Death of Dharmachari Dipankara, Australia

From Order Connection on Thu, 28 May, 2015 - 20:48

Dear Bhante and fellow Order Members,

I’m sorry to tell you that Dharmachari Dipankara has passed away.  He was found dead at home by his housemate around lunchtime today 28th May.  At this stage we do not know the cause of death. Dipankara has been prone to epileptic seizures for some years, and it would seem likely that this was the cause of death.

Dipankara had just been down to Melbourne for a men’s National Order Gathering, with 15 other Dharmacharis.  He was in...
