Amalavajra's picture

5 Qualities Of Successful Triratna Communities And How They Arise

From Threads on Mon, 29 Feb, 2016 - 02:09

5 Qualities Of Successful Triratna Communities And How They Arise

From Threads on Mon, 29 Feb, 2016 - 02:09

Although Bhante talks of communities as a pillar of the Triratna Buddhist Community (as one of the 3 Cs) and part of the nucleus of a New Society, I have found little written about how to make them work well. This matters because good communities offer a wonderful alternative to living alone or as a couple, which are the only other options that most people consider. For those interested in a ‘total Dharma lifestyle’ they are arguably more important than...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Dharma As Context For Living and Dying

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Mon, 29 Feb, 2016 - 00:00
The Dharma is only truly meaningful if it allows us to live more fully and if we are able to take it with us into the final moments before our death. There is nothing more practical than this. Mahasraddha explores what this means for us. A talk given on Triratna Night at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, 29 February 2016.
stuarts's picture

New series of meditation studies - the Brahma Vihara's

From Triratna Thames Valley and Reading on Sun, 28 Feb, 2016 - 00:10

New series of meditation studies - the Brahma Vihara's

From Triratna Thames Valley and Reading on Sun, 28 Feb, 2016 - 00:10

From the 1st of March for 4 weeks we shall be focusing on the Brahma Viharas which translates as the ‘abodes of wisdom’ or ‘houses of understanding’.

Pictured as a vast tree, the canopy, leaves and trunk are made up of Metta - being the practice of loving kindness to all beings. Not informed by how we think about them or our attitude towards them but rather by a desire to actively bring happiness, good health, freedom from suffering and contentment to all...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

FBA Podcast: A Life-Changing Encounter

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 27 Feb, 2016 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Podcast recounts the harrowing and revelatory tale of Kisa Gotami in a talk entitled “A Life-Changing Encounter” by Jvalamalini.

In the story, Kisa Gotami’s grief for her dead child is completely transformed after her contact with the Buddha through the experience of compassion and insight, leading her to a life of spiritual commitment and renunciation.

Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

vajratara's picture

The Power of the Sangha: a story of transformation

The Power of the Sangha: a story of transformation

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 12:23

An interview with the very impressive Ratnakumar, an Order Member you have directly sponsored to transform his life and enter the Order. Originally from Orissa, Ratnakumar started life with the stigma of being a dalit in village India: not being able to sit with upper caste children in the class room or play with them in the sports grounds. Even the shop keepers would ask him to leave his money on the floor rather than take it from his hand...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Dharmabyte: What is a Committed Buddhist?

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte speaks here on the challenge of building a Buddhist movement. In “What is a Committed Buddhist?” he discusses the need for Buddhist movements to be run only by committed Buddhists and who actually practice the Buddha’s teachings, not by those who merely have an intellectual interest. But how can one know who is a committed Buddhist?

From the talk “Commitment and Spiritual Community”, part of a series entitled ...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Evolution, Capitalism and the Buddha

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 00:00
In this talk given on Sanghanight in Stockholm Sweden, 22 of February 2016, Vaddhaka argues that capitalist economics is based upon a narrow evolutionary view associated with social Darwinism and a distorted interpretation of the survival of the fittest. So the question is then: Can modern approaches to evolution help to develop a new approach to economics more in line with buddhist values?
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Free Buddhist Audio

Evolution, Capitalism and the Buddha

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 00:00
In this talk given on Sanghanight in Stockholm Sweden, 22 of February 2016, Vaddhaka argues that capitalist economics is based upon a narrow evolutionary view associated with social Darwinism and a distorted interpretation of the survival of the fittest. So the question is then: Can modern approaches to evolution help to develop a new approach to economics more in line with buddhist values?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Imagining the Buddha Meditation

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 00:00
Short guided meditation imagining meeting the Buddha, with threefold puja, Shakyamuni mantra and transference of merits.
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 24 Feb, 2016 - 00:00
A rich talk by Vessantara on Sangha Night in Cambridge. Using the metaphor of Wayfinding to navigate our way across the sea of suffering to the safe refuge of the Buddha Dharma. The first of 4 talks exploring Going For Refuge.
