India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"
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The Power of the Sangha: a story of transformation

An interview with the very impressive Ratnakumar, an Order Member you have directly sponsored to transform his life and enter the Order. Originally from Orissa, Ratnakumar started life with the stigma of being a dalit in village India: not being able to sit with upper caste children in the class room or play with them in the sports grounds. Even the shop keepers would ask him to leave his money on the floor rather than take it from his hand directly. Through hearing about Dr Ambedkar he was motivated to get an education and was involved in social and political action. However, he realised he was missing something, he was missing the Sangha. He asked for Ordination and was supported by the India Dhamma Trust to go on retreat to further his Ordination process. Now he still protests against injustice, but without violence and by giving a positive example to others. His Ordination helped him take more responsibility in society, it gave him a vision to spread the Dhamma and offer people the benefits of being part of a Sangha. While talking after the interview he said to me 'we must believe in the power of the Sangha.' Watch his interview and I'm sure you will agree.