vajratara's picture

Celebrating 125th Birthday of Dr Ambedkar

I recently gave talks at Cardiff, Bristol and Nottingham to celebrate Dr Ambedkar’s 125th Birthday.  The talks were quite similar, so I have only uploaded the last one.  Do listen for a taste of our Indian Sangha and of the life of Ambedkar.  Thank you to my hosts and to all those who came to listen!

Singhamanas's picture

The 3 Cafés Challenge - Full Details

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 18:31

The 3 Cafés Challenge - Full Details

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 18:31

3 Cafés Challenge - Raising Money for the New Vajrasana Retreat Centre

This Saturday morning April the 23rd, Jnanavaca and Maitreyabandhu will attempt to walk from the LBC to Broadway Market, visiting 3 east London cafés, drinking 3 hot beverages and eating 3 pieces of cake, each. They have so far raised over £500 per drink and £500 for each piece of cake = £3,000 in total. This money will buy everything we’ll need for hot beverages at the New...

mokshini's picture

Bronze Facts

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 16:59

Is your Centre considering buying a new/recycled bronze or brass ritual objects? This fact sheet aims to help people start reflecting on the use of copper and metals in our personal lives and at our Buddhist Centres. Karen at the Croydon Buddhist Centre UK has been involved in the ethical issues associated with mining for years and is happy to be of help via email contact if you have questions or possibly (in the London area) come and talk to your sangha...

Singhamanas's picture

The London Buddhist Summer Magazine Out Now

The London Buddhist Summer Magazine Out Now

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 11:17

Giving is a fairly simple thing to do: money to a good cause, time to a friend, food to the hungry, energy to a situation. But sacrificing what you hold most precious – your very own life – is an altogether different giving up. How, and why, would you give your life?

For an offering to be truly selfless, the ideals behind it need to be of the purest kind. Then you would need to examine how you relate to those ideals,...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Texture of Reality

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 00:00
Jnanavaca explores the notions of conditioned and unconditioned reality, and the relationship between the two.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Reality Is Personal

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 00:00
Singhamanas brings the buddha's fundamental teaching of dependant arising to life with compelling stories from this world and beyond.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Rowan Williams In Interview with Maitreyabandhu

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Apr, 2016 - 00:00
Maitreyabandhu in conversation with the ex-Archbishop about poetry, imagination and faith in a troubled world. For Poetry East
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Introducing Ambedkar

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Apr, 2016 - 00:00
‘Who are the great world reformers? Vajratara presents the life and work of Dr Ambedkar, who transformed the lives of his followers in India who were oppressed by the caste system. He thought that the Buddhism had a part to play in social transformation, that transforming mind is transforming society. With this in mind, he embraced Buddhism in 1956, bringing millions of people with him. These conversions formed the basis of the vibrant and inspiring Triratna community in India. Vajratara gives a flavour of this community and the work of the India Dhamma Trust who supports Dhamma work in India, transforming hearts and minds and annihilating caste at its root.’
Saddhammapradip's picture

Five Viniyata Citta Dhamma

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Tue, 19 Apr, 2016 - 19:27

Talk Given by Dh. Adityabodhi on Five Viniyata Citta Dhamma in Men’s GFR Retreat from 15th to 19th Apr 16 at Saddhamma pradeep Retreat Center. Retreat was attend by 51 mitra and 15 Dhammachari.

Maniraja's picture

20 Upcoming Ordinations At Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Spain

From Order Connection on Tue, 19 Apr, 2016 - 15:28

20 Upcoming Ordinations At Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Spain

From Order Connection on Tue, 19 Apr, 2016 - 15:28

Dear Order members,

I am delighted to inform you that the ordinations will soon begin for all the men who are here in Guhyaloka.

The private ordinations will take place over five evenings beginning Saturday 23rd April.

The public ordination ceremony will begin at 12 midday local time (CET or GMT+1) Monday 2nd May.

The men being ordained are:

Darren Barrenger
Wayne Bedford
Fredrik Busk
John Cook
