vajratara's picture

Dr Ambedkar and his followers embrace Buddhism - a personal perspective

Jnanasuri talks about being in Nagpur in 1956 when Dr Ambedkar embraced Buddhism along with 400,000 of his followers. At the age of 13 she and her family took part in that momentous event that changed her life, and the lives of all who took part, forever. In Marathi with English translation by Bharati, extracted from a longer interview which took place at the Dr Ambedkar retreat at Adhisthana.

vajratara's picture

Introduction to Ambedkar

We recently ran a retreat at Adhisthana with a team of Indian Order Members introducing Ambedkar. Vajratara interviewed our fine panel of Indian Sangha - the highlight of which is Jnanasuri recounting her experiences of Ambedkar embracing Buddhism with 400,000 followers in 1956. She was there aged 13! Later in the retreat we recited the Refuges and Precepts after Jnanasuri, who had recited them after Dr Ambedkar himself. It was a very moving moment.

lokeshvara's picture


From Order Connection on Fri, 8 Dec, 2017 - 15:48


From Order Connection on Fri, 8 Dec, 2017 - 15:48

Dear Order Members,

Lokeshvara and the UK and Ireland men’s regional Order Convenors would like to personally welcome Kamalanandi into the men’s wing of the Order.  We wish him well.

We don’t feel we can make this decision on behalf of other order members, but we would like to recommend this to all Dharmacharis, in the spirit of Kalyana Mitrata.   

We also recognise that, as yet, we have no formal process for a transition between the...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Buried Treasure

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 8 Dec, 2017 - 00:00
Padmajaya, who has been obsessed with finding treasures since childhood, explores the symbolism of the buried treasure through a mix of personal anecdotes and stories from the Buddhist tradition. Also, there is a story about a terrifying piece of cloth. The talk was given during a sub-35 weekend at Padmaloka in November 2017.
shraddhavani's picture

Staying on the Path with Perfect Effort and Perfect Mindfulness

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 7 Dec, 2017 - 16:29

Staying on the Path with Perfect Effort and Perfect Mindfulness

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 7 Dec, 2017 - 16:29

Our ongoing series, Where Are We Going and How Can We Get There? continues this Sunday December 10, 9:30AM-12:00PM.  Dh. Viriyalila will again lead the morning activities, starting with greetings and meditation.  PBC Mitra Ginny Karwowski will support, as we delve into Effort and Mindfulness as steps on the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path. Please arrive no later than 10AM if you plan to join us for the morning.

This is our regular community gathering and all are welcome. Offered by...

Viriyavasin's picture

Förändringar i danasystemet

From Orden i Sverige on Thu, 7 Dec, 2017 - 08:36

Förändringar i danasystemet

From Orden i Sverige on Thu, 7 Dec, 2017 - 08:36

Kära order,

Som ni vet har vi i flera år diskuterat danasystemets utformning. Det är ett system som har tjänat oss väldigt väl de senaste 15-20 åren och utan det hade vi aldrig kunnat vara där vi är idag. Men det har också haft en del inneboende problem och skapat osäkerhet kring hur skattemässigt korrekt det är vilket i sin tur gjort att många känt sig obekväma med att prata om det vilket i sin tur naturligtvis gör att färre ger.

Dock ser vi...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Saddhaloka On Reviewing The Preceptors' College

From Community Highlights on Wed, 6 Dec, 2017 - 15:23

Saddhaloka On Reviewing The Preceptors' College

From Community Highlights on Wed, 6 Dec, 2017 - 15:23

Over on the Adhisthana Kula space, Saddhaloka has been taking a look at the next stage of the College of Public Preceptors’, a central leadership body within our community.

Read ‘Reviewing How The Preceptors’ College Works’ by Saddhaloka

From his introduction:

The College of Public Preceptors has been growing and its make-up is changing. By next year we could have 45 active members, and it will inevitably continue to grow as the movement expands and more public preceptors are...

parami's picture

Update on Surana and details of funeral

From Order Connection on Wed, 6 Dec, 2017 - 18:31

Update on Surana and details of funeral

From Order Connection on Wed, 6 Dec, 2017 - 18:31

Dear friends,

We now have the information about the funeral and a little bit more information about cause of death. The death was natural causes but the exact nature of that is still not clear. Further information may be forthcoming in time. Surana had been a bit under the weather but nothing obvious. The pathologist can only say that his heart stopped but the exact reason for that is not clear. It has been a very tough time...

Devamitra's picture

The 'Trans' Issue

From Threads on Wed, 6 Dec, 2017 - 08:51

The 'Trans' Issue

From Threads on Wed, 6 Dec, 2017 - 08:51

When I was a boy I had longings of which I could make no sense. It was only through years of painful struggle and Dharma practice that their significance became clear to me. I eventually wrote a book about it: Confessions of a Transvestite Buddhist — A Quest for Manhood. I explored my experience fully and examined that (and the whole complex ‘trans’ phenomenon) from a Dharmic perspective, both through my own reflection and through discussion with my friends, including...

parami's picture

Death of Surana in Spain

From Order Connection on Tue, 5 Dec, 2017 - 16:54

Death of Surana in Spain

From Order Connection on Tue, 5 Dec, 2017 - 16:54

Dear Order members,

I am really sorry to tell you that Dharmachari Surana has been found dead in his flat in Spain. He was 52 years old. We don’t know any more details at the moment but there will be an autopsy. We will let you know more as soon as we can.

Surana was ordained at Guhyaloka in 1991. His private preceptor was Suvajra and his public was Subhuti. His sadhana practice was Vajrasattva.

