Anonymous's picture
R Smith

Best wishes

Fri, 9 Nov, 2018 - 12:48[edit]

I never met Sangharakshita in person, but I felt I met him through his books and through the inspirational friendship of people who knew him. I am sure there are many, like me, whose lives have been quietly but profoundly touched by Sangharakshita’s presentation of Buddhist teachings. I am thankful for those teachings and for the work of Sangharakshita’s order in transmitting the teachings. Best wishes to all who feel his loss.

tejadhamma's picture

Paying Tribute to Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 9 Nov, 2018 - 08:14

Paying Tribute to Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 9 Nov, 2018 - 08:14

In our General Retreat on Mahamangalsutta, we pay tribute to Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita at Mahendranagar, Nagpur.

Sadayasihi's picture


From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 21:26


From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 21:26

There are so many things I could say, but to pick just one…

Some years ago I conceived an idea that I would like to live in a community. At that time there were no communities for women in Dublin, although there was a vibrant men’s community. I was introduced to it when I started going out with Vajrashura – who has lived there since its inception over sixteen years ago. I was really impressed by how the guys all were with each...

mokshini's picture

Metta from Berlin

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 19:46

Metta from Berlin

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 19:46

Yesterday some of the Berlin Dharmacharinis gathered at the Berlin Triratna Buddhist Centre to express our love and gratitude for Bhante and celebrated the Sangharakshita Puja in German. We enjoyed being together as an order in Bhante’s presence.

Saddhavasini's picture

Vajra Bell: Fall 2018 issue

Vajra Bell: Fall 2018 issue

From Vajra Bell on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 17:45

The Fall 2018 issue of the Vajra Bell magazine is here!

Click this link to view online

In this issue:

  • Practicing Generosity Until It’s as Natural as Breathing by Ratnaghosha
  • Dana: The First Step of the Spiritual Life by Acarasiddhi
  • Is Money a Placeholder for Love in our Lives by Amalavajra
  • Books: The Buddha on Wall Street and Yasodhara 
  • Wild Awake: Alone, Offline & Awake in Nature
  • Sangha Connections: An Interview with Amritamati by Shraddhavani
  • I Have a Thinking Problem by Saddhavasini
Maitricarya's picture

heartfelt condolences

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 13:15

heartfelt condolences

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 13:15

On behalf of Michael Peterssen (Ex-Aryadeva)
- German version below -

Tuesday 30th October 2018

Dear Dharmacarinis and Dharmacaris,

Tonight, news of the death of Bhante Sangharakshita reached me. I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to you.

It’s almost ten years since I left the Order. Nevertheless, I have not forgotten the positive aspects of my time in the Order. In particular, all that I have learned through studying Bhante Sangharakshita’s work on the Dharma. Without exaggeration I can say that there’s no-one I have...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Avalokitesvara's Tears

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 12:00

In a series about the final mantras of the sevenfold puja, Kamalashila talks about the birth and significance of the bodhisattva Tara in our FBA Dharmabyte today, entitled From the Tears of Avalokitesvara.

Excerpted from the short talk The Bodhisattva Tara given at the West London Buddhist Centre.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

khemajoti's picture

Remembering Bhante at the Bristol Centre

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 10:50

Remembering Bhante at the Bristol Centre

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 8 Nov, 2018 - 10:50

Here in Bristol we have been experiencing the flow of appreciation for Bhante and connection with him and amongst the Sangha here and world-wide. On hearing of Bhante’s death, a group of dharmacharinis came together to create a shrine and from 4-10pm on the day of his death we had periods of chanting the mantras and just sitting. This continued the following day from 7am - 5pm with a 7 fold puja beautifully led by Moksanandi.  Throughout the time since...

khemajoti's picture

Rejoicing in the Adhisthana community and helpers

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 21:14

Rejoicing in the Adhisthana community and helpers

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 21:14

I was at Adhisthana today taking part in the vigil and I’d just like to express my appreciation for the Adhisthana community and all those helping out at this time. There was a lovely atmosphere, everyone was so friendly and welcoming in spite of having so much to do - and the amazing amount of organisation seemed to make everything flow seamlessly. Sahdu to you all,  x Khemajoti

Anonymous's picture
elspeth wicketts

Poem Sangharakshita

Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 17:30[edit]


A true inspiration in the world

Bringing happiness to so many

Showing the way to a better life

By making the Dharma clear

And shining forth into this struggling world

I will miss him in a way that I cannot voice

Only knowing him and his teachings

Will be forever with me

He brought new meaning into my life

Saving me from a life in pain

Sangharakshita I salute you

With all my heart

And vow that I will help to
