Dayachitta's picture

Appreciating Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 11:08

Appreciating Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 11:08

I first came along in early 1978 to the LBC, and met Bhante that Christmas while on a womens’ retreat at Street Farm in Norfolk.  It was my first retreat and I felt a bit overwhelmed by the intensity and mid-winter darkness of it all - I was used to sunny Australian Christmas beach barbecues, beer, surf and sandflies.  I was also a bit trepedacious about the arrival of a group of radical feminist LESBIANS who were about...

Sadayasihi's picture

A Selection of Photos from Sangharakshita's Funeral

From Triratna News on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 10:26

A Selection of Photos from Sangharakshita's Funeral

From Triratna News on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 10:26

On Saturday 10th November the funeral of Urgyen Sangharakshita took place with an estimated 1,200 to 1,400 people attending the ceremony and burial in Adhisthana.  Here are some of the photographs taken by Dhammarati during this significant day in the life of our community.

See the full album of...

sajjana's picture

Dear Bhante...

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 19:52

Dear Bhante...

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 19:52

Dearest Bhante thank you for all you have done for me…and so many others Boundless Metta Sajjana xxxx

mokshini's picture

More Metta from Berlin

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 19:19

More Metta from Berlin

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 19:19

Last Saturday, as many hundreds were gathered at Adhistana for Bhante’s final farewell, those of us who who stayed in Berlin came together as a sangha to rejoice in Sangharakshita and his life. We reflected how his life and the dharma he taught has touched and changed ours, we rejoiced in his life, heard stories and anecdotes of personal meetings people had had with him; all in a context of meditation, mantra chanting and puja.  

And then we tuned into the live stream that had...

Sadayasihi's picture

The 'Big One': In Conversation with Prajnaketu

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 17:31

Prajnaketu, Triratna’s Young Buddhist Co-ordinator, gave the keynote talk at the 2018 ‘Big One’, which was on the theme of ‘Seek Truth, Release Life’.  His talk was entitled ‘A Religious Life’. 

In this conversation with Sadayasihi in the Beams on the last morning of the ‘Big One’ he talks about the significance for him of giving this talk as well as delving into his choice of the word ‘religious’ and how he has benefitted from taking part in a...

saddhaloka's picture

Appointment of the Next Chair of the College of Public Preceptors

From Order Connection on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 15:38

Appointment of the Next Chair of the College of Public Preceptors

From Order Connection on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 15:38

Dear Order Members,

Bhante died just a few days before a long planned international gathering of the College of Public Preceptors at Adhisthana, that involved 36 out of the 42 active Public Preceptors all around the world. It was a very meaningful meeting at a very significant time for our community.

As well as College members being involved in the vigil leading up to the funeral and participating in the funeral ceremony, we carried on with...

Karuna's picture

Supporter Data Officer at Karuna

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 15:28

Supporter Data Officer at Karuna

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 15:28

Team Based Right Livelihood Vacancy at Karuna

Supporter Data Officer (Full Time, London based)

Inspired by Buddhist values, Karuna exists to end caste-based discrimination, poverty and inequality in India and Nepal. Our work with individuals focuses on education, dignified livelihoods and gender equality, transforming communities and changing society.

In this role you will be responsible for the integrity of our supporter data; managing, tracking and allocating payments and other information on our database. Gaining confidence with these systems, you will eventually be able to provide general ...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Bathed in Light and Love

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 12:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is called Bathed in Light and Love by Ghosaka. From a contemplative talk entitled Amitabha: Pouring Forth From Stillness on the red Buddha of the west. Meditation, the setting sun, the Great Love, the heart in its proper place… Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, Winter Retreat 2001

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Vidyaruchi's picture

My tribute to Bhante, filmed the day after he died.

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 11:04

My tribute to Bhante, filmed the day after he died.

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 11:04

Dhammachari Vidyaruchi pays his tribute to Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita. Urgyen Sangharakshita died on 30th October, 2018 at 10am, Hereford, UK. Vidyaruci has personally worked for Bhante for four years and formed a very deep connection with him. As you could clearly see in this interview.

Follow Triratna Media India on YouTube

SianPodmore's picture

A personal reflection on the death of Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 14 Nov, 2018 - 09:44

A personal reflection on the death of Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 14 Nov, 2018 - 09:44

So this first era of the Triratna movement has come to its end with the death of our founder and teacher, our contemporary ‘shower of the way’, Urgyen Sangharakshita. What difference will this make to the movement? Actually, the answer to that should be ‘none at all’. Sangharakshita was fully aware that his lifetime was brief, the continuation of the movement he founded depended on it functioning without him and took the necessary steps to ensure that it would.

Yet there is...
