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The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and the International Council for the day of Vesak invite academic papers reflecting the significance of Vesak and addressing the central theme of the United Nations Day of Vesak 2025, along with any of the following sub-themes:
Main Theme: Unity and Inclusivity for Human Dignity: Buddhist Insights for World Peace and Sustainable Development.
Sub-Themes: (1) Cultivating Inner Peace for World Peace; (2) Forgiveness and Mindful Healing: A Path to Reconciliation; (3) Buddhist Compassion in Action: Shared Responsibility for Human Development; (4) Mindfulness...
Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:
eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
eBook Shabda .MOBI – This format is now deprecated, but this can still be used on older Kindle devices, and some older eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
This is the last update that I’ll be writing as Chair of the College of Public Preceptors so I’ll begin by writing about this current month and then go on say something about the last five years more generally.
Last month I wrote about my three weeks in New Zealand which was the first half of my trip to the other side of the world; my three weeks in Australia began...
Kamalashila was one of the earliest public preceptors, one of three Order members whom Sangharakshita asked to carry out ordinations on his behalf in India in 1985. In all, he became a preceptor to 38 Order members. In the 1990s he lived at Madhyamaloka as part of the Preceptors’ College Council, and subsequently was active in the Preceptors’ College.
Below, four Public Preceptors – Sanghadevi, Satyaraja, Ashokashri and Nagabodhi – rejoice in, and share memories of, Kamalashila. On Sunday...
We’re excited to introduce a new way you can support our work at Windhorse Publications! By becoming a Friend of Windhorse Publications, you’ll help us spread the Dharma through new books, podcasts, courses, and more.
As a Friend, you’ll receive a copy of every new book we publish (except Complete Works volumes) and enjoy special discounts on selected titles and upcoming courses. Plus, we’ll keep you informed about the behind-the-scenes progress your support makes possible. Join us with a contribution of just...
On Saturday 9 November, during the international meeting of the Preceptors’ College at Adhisthana, we will be celebrating the completion of Sangharakshita’s Complete Works.
With the publication of the final three volumes, including a remarkable concordance (which you can hear more about here in a beautiful talk, ‘Worlds within Worlds’ by Vidyadevi, given at Adhisthana on the August Order weekend), we now have a collection of twenty-seven volumes of all of Sangharakshita’s previously published work, as well as talks, seminars and...
Sharpen the cutting edge of your practice. Find your deepest sources of guidance for life.
If you practise sadhana, or would like to revive your practice, come to this gathering of the sadhana clans running 22–29 November led by Prakasha and team.
A not-to-be-missed retreat to refresh and deepen your inspiration for sadhana and yidam practice. Learn more.
A retreat is a great opportunity to explore the Buddhist practice of mindfulness. To take a break from our regular routine and create more space in both our inner and outer lives. Spending time in the countryside, we can connect with nature and enjoy the positive conditions that arise as we come together as a community, practising together, sharing meals, sharing talks and sharing walks with others on the retreat.
The programme will include talks, meditation, reflection and discussion as well as...