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Free Buddhist Audio

A Personal Talk On the Bodhisattva Ideal

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Wed, 10 Feb, 2010 - 00:00
A moving and personal talk, by Vidyamala, given at the 25-year jubilee retreat (of FWBO activities in Stockholm) in a beautiful setting in the archipelago north of Stockholm, Sweden, September 2005.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Time to Fall, Time to Flow

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Wed, 10 Feb, 2010 - 00:00
A personal talk by Sona, given at the 25-year jubilee retreat (of FWBO activities in Stockholm) in a beautiful setting in the archipelago north of Stockholm, Sweden, September 2005. Sona engagingly tells the story of establishing the FWBO in Stockholm.
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Free Buddhist Audio

A Field of Kindness

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Wed, 10 Feb, 2010 - 00:00
A talk on kindness, the quality of caring and the Bodhisattva Ideal, at the Stockholm Buddhistcenter, on 5 September 2005.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Hare In the Moon

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Wed, 10 Feb, 2010 - 00:00
An engaging talk on a well konwn Jataka story, the hare in the moon. Given at the 25-year jubilee retreat (of FWBO activities in Stockholm) in a beautiful setting in the archipelago north of Stockholm, Sweden, September 2005.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Learning the Metta Bhavana

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 28 Jan, 2010 - 00:00
Kavyasiddhi gave this talk on the Christmas Oasis Retreat at Taraloka. She says: "It's an accessible talk, given on a retreat open to people of all levels of meditation experience, which shares a personal account of mistaking the Metta Bhavana for a 'manufacture and distribution' process and coming to see it as a key to stop 'fighting' my experience; and how I see the practice as an act of faith in the connected, potential filled Reality, described by the Buddha.

And I look at what metta is and the implications for doing the practice - on one's own mind and, in potential, for the world."

Given at Taraloka, December 2009

Please note, the original sound recording of this talk was of low quality and this comes through on the online version.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Reflections on Starting an FWBO Group

From Community Highlights on Sun, 13 Dec, 2009 - 00:00
The three speakers share their experience of founding an FWBO Buddhist meditation group and offer some reflections encouraging others to do the same! The talks were recorded on a weekend for FWBO group leaders held in November 2009 at Folly Farm, Somerset UK. For more information please contact Lokabandhu on lokabandhu@fwbo.org
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Free Buddhist Audio

Six Element Practice and the Dhatuvibhanga sutta

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Thu, 10 Dec, 2009 - 00:00
The Dhatuvibhanga Sutta - the Exposition of the Elements - tells the story of a meeting between the Buddha and a young monk called Pukkusati. The young monk doesn't at first realise who he is sharing his lodgings with. He is just very grateful the next morning for the offer of some help with his meditation practice. And the Buddha teaches him the Six Element Practice - that was after sitting all night meditating together!

Kulaprabha has often referred to this sutta while introducing people to the Six Element practice on ordination retreats. And the month before giving the talk she had been at Akashavana Retreat Centre in Spain co-leading a retreat for members of the Western Buddhist Order on that theme. This version of the talk was given in a very different context - at Windhorse Trading's main wholesale warehouse in Cambridge, UK. She had been asked to talk about Insight and Work. As you'll hear in the talk, Kulaprabha was a bit stumped as to how to do that but in the end thought that it was worth taking the ideas and reflections from her experience of the Six Element practice and suggesting to the Windhorse workers that they might find their own ways to apply them in the very busy context of running a business.

Given at Windhorse Trading, Cambridge, 2007
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Free Buddhist Audio

Living with Ethics

From Community Highlights on Thu, 12 Nov, 2009 - 00:00
Sangharakshita launches 'Living with Ethics' at FWBO Day 2009. He reflects on gratitude and looks at ethics and altruism.

Living ethically means more than just watching our intentions and mental states to determine their skilfulness. It also requires us to have imagination in how we treat others, and truly put ourselves in others' shoes. Here, Sangharakshita discusses the difference between horizontal and vertical imagination, seeing the world with the Divine Eye, and applying imagination as a door to nonduality and an ethical life.

Talk given at Birmingham Buddhist Center, 2009
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Free Buddhist Audio

Inspiring Young People with the Dharma (Sheffield)

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Fri, 30 Oct, 2009 - 00:00
Three short talks on the theme of inspiring young people with the Dharma
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Free Buddhist Audio

Address to the EBU - Young People and the Dharma

From Community Highlights on Fri, 30 Oct, 2009 - 00:00
Lindsay Hannah from Taraloka addresses members of the European Buddhist Union (gathered at Taraloka for their 2009 AGM) with a thought-provoking array of ways their Centres could inspire more young people to practice the Dharma.
