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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Gift To The World

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Sun, 7 Nov, 2010 - 00:00
The Buddha as Spiritual Friend: Enlightenment to old age. Vajratara condenses nearly 50 years of the Buddhas life, using stories from the Pali Canon to show how the Buddha built a spiritual community that lasts to this day. Transcending the conflict between the desire to withdraw and the desire to engage, the Buddha wanders northern India out of compassion, teaching the Dharma by his presence and his words.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Triratna Buddhism

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Tue, 26 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
Triratna Buddhism: Vadanya tells the story of Sangharakshita and the new Buddhist Order and movement he founded. He talks about the early days of the FWBO and demonstrates the radical nature of the movement that has now become the Triratna Buddhist Community.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Going Forth

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Tue, 26 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
Going Forth: Khemasuri talks about the 'turning around' of the Buddha's Going forth, Sangharakshita's and her own.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Introducing the Imagination - Cambridge Study Weekend Overview

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 22 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
An overview talk at the start of a weekend studying the imagination. Subhuti gives some background to his conversations with Bhante over the last 18 months and then launches into an overview of the latest conversations he's had - on the subject of the imagination.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Five Things Everyone Should Reflect On

From North London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Oct, 2010 - 01:00
In an evening at the North London Centre Subhuti talks about the Pali canon and one sutta in particular which provides a very practical list for reflection. The emphasis of the sutta is the facts of life; we will age, sicken and die - however Subhuti brings a very positive outlook to this by strongly expressing the values that lie behind a Buddhist life and that by facing these facts we can live truly human and fulfilled lives.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Imagination and the Animate World - Cambridge Study Weekend 3

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
The third talk given to Cambridge Order members on the theme of Imagination. This talk revolves around seeing the world as alive. In 'Living with Awareness' Bhante muses that a world that is not seen as alive is not one in which enlightenment is possible; Subhuti unpacks the significance of this expression and how it relates to the world of Imagination.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Role of Art and Aesthetics In the Imagination - Cambridge Study Weekend 4

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
In his fourth talk on the theme of the Imagination Subhuti enters the world of art and aesthetics. Of course based on what Sangharakshita says in the 'Religion of Art' he is however keen to emphasis the natural and uncomplicated aspects of art - it doesn't need to be Shakespeare and Bach; Art can touch us on many levels, although the best does have a touch of transcendence.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Imagining the Buddha - Cambridge Study Weekend 5

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Thu, 21 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
In his fifth talk on the theme of Imagination Subhuti comes to the Buddha and how we relate to him. Possibly the most interesting material of the series he explores what it would mean to engage with the Buddha more from our cultural context; taking great inspiration from the Buddhist cultures of the East - whilst asking; 'what does the Buddha look like for me?'
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Free Buddhist Audio

The History of the Imagination In the West - Cambridge Study Weekend 1

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
A weekend of Study with the Cambridge Order. Subhuti introduced material from a recent conversation with Sangharakashita on the topic of Imagination. In this session Subhuti launches into a history of Imagination within Western Culture, of necessity it involves broad brush-strokes, but none the less conveys a significant point about the nature of Imagination and what the situation is that we, as modern global citizens find ourselves in, whilst also acknowledging the situation will be somewhat different depending on our specific cultural background.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The History of the Imagination In the West - Cambridge Study Weekend 2

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 Oct, 2010 - 00:00
The second part of the discussion about the history of Imagination, specifically in the West but also with reference to India and 'global culture'. Subhuti tries to give an overview of why and how the Imagination is important; whilst also communicating some of the potential pitfalls of ungrounded, badly ontologised Imagination (of which there are many in the Modern World.)
