Triratna InHouse Publications
Triratna InHouse Publications
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Collected Pujas by Dhiramati new edition

Dhiramati's pujas to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are a Buddhafield favourite - and there's a great new edition just out of his Collected Pujas!  

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New Dharma book for Dharma Day!

Sunday sees the annual celebration of Dharma Day across the Triratna Buddhist Community - and Triratna InHouse Publications is launching a new Dharma book to celebrate!  'Seeing Like A Buddha', by Nagapriya, is clear and straightforward introduction to  the Four Noble Truths, one of the core teachings of Buddhism. 

In the words of his friend Dayamati, aka Professor Richard Hayes, "The tone of the book is gentle and good-natured so that readers are sure to feel as though they are reading a personal letter from a friend.  Drawing upon material from a good many canonical Buddhist texts, Nagapriya illuminates it by drawing on quotations from modern poets, philosophers and psychologists whose insights were similar to the Buddha’s but whose idiom is more familiar to a contemporary audience than the often stilted language of translations of texts written millennia ago".

Nagapriya is the author of Exploring Karma and Rebirth (Windhorse, 2004), Visions of Mahayana Buddhism (Windhorse, 2009), and The Buddhist Way (New Holland, 2018).

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Some very exciting news here at Triratna InHouse Publications has been the rediscovery and republication of a long-lost but very important seminar by Sangharakshita, 'Dhyana for Beginners'.  This was the principal inspiration for Vajraloka's meditation teaching for many years.  You'll find it in a new Volume VII of the Mahayana Texts, Sutras and Sadhanas series within the 17 volumes of Sangharakshita's Collected Seminars - along with two other unpublished seminars, the Ratnagunasamcayagatha and some questions and answers on the White Tara Sadhana...

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Triratna InHouse Publications is working to create a single catalogue (both online and paper) to showcase all the books produced by members of the Order, whether Dharmic, literary, or autobiographical, focusing initially on all those works NOT already published and promoted by Windhorse Publications, Triratna's official publisher.  

Here's what we've found so far - over 120 titles!

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Introducing Triratna InHouse Publications

Hello from TIP – Triratna InHouse Publications!  We’re a new Triratna enterprise with the mission of publishing and promoting the many authors in the Triratna Buddhist Order, in all their wondrous diversity.  Expect to find real-life stories, transcendental science fiction, poetry and drama, exploratory dharma, study and seminar texts, and much more, available in paperback, hardback, eBook formats and more…  Our catalogue is arranged under four headings – Dharma, Literature, Stories and Translations, and our first new title has already been released - Chi è il Buddha, Who is the Buddha in Italian!

Texts already available include the four volumes of the Dharma Training Course for Mitras, the Seven Papers, and Introducing the Triratna Buddhist Order.

We seek to complement Triratna’s official publishers, Windhorse Publications, who are the longstanding publisher of Sangharakshita, as well as some Triratna Order members and selected others. While Windhorse takes high-quality writing on Buddhism, mindfulness, addiction-recovery and so on, for publication and international distribution, Triratna InHouse Publications has the more modest and inclusive aim of making available the writings of Triratna Order Members without trying to compete for a share in the world of commercial publishing.

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