Dhiramati's pujas to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are a Buddhafield favourite - and there's a great new edition just out of his Collected Pujas!
Triratna InHouse Publications has a mission to publish and promote the many authors in the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community, in all their wondrous diversity. You'll find real-life stories, transcendental science fiction, poetry and drama, exploratory dharma, study and seminar texts, and much more, available in paperback, hardback, eBook formats and more… Our catalogue is arranged under four headings – Dharma, Literature, Stories, and Translations, with over 100 titles available…
Best-sellers include the four volumes of the Dharma Training Course for Mitras and the Seven Papers. See the full range on our website: triratna-inhouse-publications.org/
We seek to complement Triratna’s official publishers, Windhorse Publications, who are the longstanding publisher of Sangharakshita and selected others. While Windhorse takes high-quality writing on Buddhism, mindfulness, addiction-recovery and so on, for publication and international distribution, Triratna InHouse has the more modest and inclusive aim of making available the writings of Triratna Order Members without trying to compete for a share in the world of commercial publishing.