Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Sangharakshita - Celebrating 50 years of The Triratna Buddhist Order (Interview by Saddhandi)

By sanghadhara on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 11:17

Sangharakshita - Celebrating 50 years of The Triratna Buddhist Order (Interview by Saddhandi)

By sanghadhara on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 11:17

Saddhanandi Interviews Sangharakshita during the Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of The Triratna Buddhist Order at Adhisthana, UK - 7 April 2018

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

FutureDharma at the International Gathering

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 18 Sep, 2017 - 13:59

FutureDharma at the International Gathering

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 18 Sep, 2017 - 13:59

A huge thank you to everyone who gave to FutureDharma at the International Gathering 2017 at Adhisthana. It was an amazing weekend of friendship, worship and sunshine, of puja, bonfires and singing, and of course, our vegan FutureDharma doughnuts!

Our lovely team were to be found in the barn, telling people all about FutureDharma projects, and helping them make their pledges to support them. During the Sunday evening puja, Amalavajra led a short meditation and gave us the opportunity to offer our pledges...


50 year celebrations of the Central European region!

By Mokshini on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 08:48

50 year celebrations of the Central European region!

By Mokshini on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 08:48

A lovely short film of Triratna’s 50 year celebrations of the Central European region. About 180 - 200 people from four countries were present (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, plus some guests from UK). On Saturday we had a whole range of workshops, outings, practice and a cultural night at the Essen Buddhist Centre. On Sunday, we moved into the former miners’ washing rooms of world heritage site ‘Zollverein’, where we meditated, celebrated puja, heard reflections on 50 years of...

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

Bringing us Together

By Liz_Bassett on Thu, 10 Aug, 2017 - 16:58

Bringing us Together

By Liz_Bassett on Thu, 10 Aug, 2017 - 16:58

Q. There’s no shortage of Dharma materials available online, right? So why is the so important?

Used by 60,000 people every month, free of charge, is for everyone.  

It brings us together. Regardless of where we live we can share a wealth of news, video, talks and led meditations. It’s an online space where we can communicate, learn, and support each other in our practice - even attend a mitra ceremony!

Inspired to Give to FutureDharma and support and our other amazing projects?

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

Young People in India choose lives full of meaning

By Liz_Bassett on Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 - 16:37

Young People in India choose lives full of meaning

By Liz_Bassett on Wed, 12 Jul, 2017 - 16:37

Each month we’re going to bring you news from one of our amazing projects that you help make possible. So, for July, here’s a smasher - India Dhamma Trust’s Young People’s Projects:

In India engagement with Buddhism gives some of the most disadvantaged people in society an opportunity to transform their lives and their communities. Dedicated Ordination teams and Dhamma teachers help provide the conditions for thousands of people to practice Buddhism. An ageing Indian movement however is no longer attracting...

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

Clear Vision Trust: a Dharmapala

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 09:00

Clear Vision Trust: a Dharmapala

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 09:00

Q: What’s the absolutely best thing about working for FutureDharma Fund?

A: Knowing that we’re helping you support some amazing Triratna projects.

Each month we’re going to bring you news from one of them. First up in June - Clear Vision Trust

Now 50 years old, Triratna has grown and spread across the globe. We all practice in a diverse range of settings. Yet whether we’re part of a large urban sangha, attend a small local group, live in a community, on our own or in...

Future Dharma
Future Dharma

#Triratna50. The world needs what you've been given. Pass it on.

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 19 Jun, 2017 - 14:21

#Triratna50. The world needs what you've been given. Pass it on.

By Liz_Bassett on Mon, 19 Jun, 2017 - 14:21

Can Triratna really help change this suffering world?

Terrorism, environmental degradation, the consumerist tide of distraction and dissatisfaction: sometimes the world can seem broken.

Triratna is entering its next 50 years. Can Triratna offer more people ways to stay sane in a confusing world: ways to connect, to grow and to give?

FutureDharma Fund believes it can. The only long term solution to suffering is enough movements like ours creating a wave of kindness and wisdom in the world. Only this will transform the forces of...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna 50th anniversary celebrations

By Munisha on Fri, 16 Jun, 2017 - 23:44

Triratna 50th anniversary celebrations

By Munisha on Fri, 16 Jun, 2017 - 23:44

Clear Vision’s latest NewsByte video reports on some of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the founding of Triratna (as the FWBO) on 8th April 1967. 

We visit the joint northern English centres’ celebration at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, the events at Adhisthana and Dhanakosa (UK) and the mainland European celebrations held at Essen (Germany). We hear about the culture and zeitgeist of Britain in the late 1960s, in which the FWBO and WBO were created. And we hear from Ratnaguna...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna 50th Anniversary celebrations NewsByte

By sanghadhara on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 12:08

Triratna 50th Anniversary celebrations NewsByte

By sanghadhara on Mon, 12 Jun, 2017 - 12:08

On April 8th 2017 Triratna Day was celebrated around the world as the 50th anniversary of its founding in 1967. We visit Sheffield for the Northern English celebration, Adhisthana, Dhanakosa in Scotland and Essen for the Western European events in Germany.

Thanks to Suryaprabha for his Lights in the Sky videos, to Ben Linsey-Bloom for organising footage from Adhisthana, Shantiketu for Dhanakosa and Frank Mählen from Essen.


Future Dharma
Future Dharma

FutureDharma Fund Champions

By Liz_Bassett on Wed, 31 May, 2017 - 16:24

FutureDharma Fund Champions

By Liz_Bassett on Wed, 31 May, 2017 - 16:24

Would you like some free training in fundraising from Amalavajra? How about the chance to come to Adhisthana on one of our weekends? You will learn all about money and how to raise it for your centre and other Triratna projects.

You’ll be joining a sangha of amazing folk who come together to share ideas, get trained up, and sing silly songs whilst eating chocolate. They’re our FutureDharma Champions - a lovely bunch of people who volunteer their time to promote FutureDharma Fund and fundraising in...
