Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Matt's Gratitude

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 15:54
Matt introducing and expressing what he’s grateful for…
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Audioboo glitches - and an excerpt from Sarah on what she's grateful for

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 15:44
Sarah’s short talk in Birmingham - rather curtailed, alas, by technical glitches! The first few podcasts of the day have been (possibly) cut off in their prime - should be fixed now but apologies for the interruption! Normal service resumed now, we hope!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna Boo No.1 - Expressing Gratitude

By sanghadhara on Sat, 6 Apr, 2013 - 13:22
Talking with Kara Moses (one of the Triratna Day organisers) about the theme for the day now the first meditation is over… With a preview of what’s coming up! Including the ‘Gratitude Explosion’…
