Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Abhayagita From Mexico On Pilgrimage And Native Ground For The Dharma

By Candradasa on Tue, 27 Oct, 2015 - 05:30

As part of our Buddhist Voices series, Abhayagita - whose name means ‘Song of Fearlessness’ - tells us (in English y en español) about her project to take women on pilgrimage from Mexico to India in the footsteps of the Buddha. En route we hear about her home country’s engagement with the Dharma, and end up in a fascinating space around Aztec and Mayan culture as fertile native soil for the Dharma to take root…

Con la traducción española.

Abhayagita -...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 6 - Maitripala on Women's Ordination and Her Australian Pilgrimage

By parami on Fri, 23 Oct, 2015 - 15:53

Parami again from “Oceania”! She’s in conversation here with her friend Maitripala who has been living in Europe for a year but is now back home and engaging with women seeking ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Great to hear the inspiration - old and new - come through as a new generation of women grapples with the challenges and joys of Buddhist practice and of community.

And as a bonus we hear a preview of her ‘Buddhas in My Pocket Pilgrimage’,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Walking the Sangharakshita Way

By Munisha on Thu, 2 Apr, 2015 - 14:16

Walking the Sangharakshita Way

By Munisha on Thu, 2 Apr, 2015 - 14:16

Kate Grant is on a pilgrimage, and you’re welcome to come along too. A mitra at the London Buddhist Centre, her plan is to walk from Tooting in south London, where Sangharakshita spent his boyhood, to Adhisthana, where he lives now. She’s doing this over the course of 17 days, roughly 2 days a month, arriving at Adhisthana on 6th September.

She says, “Each walk will take 3-6 hours. Companions welcome! Four walks down, I’ll be leaving London behind this Saturday, with a little flock...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Suriyavamsa's Dharma Walk Through Scotland

By Candradasa on Tue, 8 Jul, 2014 - 14:08

Suriyavamsa's Dharma Walk Through Scotland

By Candradasa on Tue, 8 Jul, 2014 - 14:08Over on our Features channel (encompassing the stories that make our home page each week, plus original new Dharma content) we’ve a remarkable ongoing series of posts from Suriyavamsa, the newly installed President of Triratna Highlands in Scotland. He is marking the start of his time in that position by making a ‘Dharma Walk’ (a pilgrimage of sorts) from Inverness to Glasgow (that’s 165 miles or so!). And he’s blogging it for us from his trusty...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

To The Hills

By Candradasa on Fri, 31 Jan, 2014 - 14:07

To The Hills

By Candradasa on Fri, 31 Jan, 2014 - 14:07A rather wonderful, beautifully shot film from Shantiketu of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre, detailing a trip some members of the Triratna Buddhist Order made in 2013 to visit places in north east India associated with their teacher Urgyen Sangharakshita, and some of his own main teachers.

Watch another film about pilgrimage to the hermitages and monasteries of Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Sikkim. (From Lights In The Sky.)
Vajra Bell
Vajra Bell

Vajra Bell - Summer 2013

Vajra Bell - Summer 2013

By Rijupatha on Wed, 3 Jul, 2013 - 16:07In this issue of the Vajra Bell newsletter:

• “Buddhist Roots in the Wild West: The History of Triratna in America” by Dh. Viriyalila
• “Sustaining Faith on the Spiral Path” by Barry Timmerman
• Dhardo Tulku Rinpoche Visits Aryaloka - recap and background from Dh. Viriyagita
• “A Pilgrimage to Japan: An Artist’s Tour for Buddhists, a Buddhist Tour for Artists” by Lois Sans
• Reflections on a recent men’s community retreat
• Aryaloka arts: exhibits by textile...
