
Want to get better at the Mindfulness of Breathing?

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 - 09:50

Want to get better at the Mindfulness of Breathing?

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 - 09:50

The Mindfulness of Breathing is the practice that gives us a structure to take our awareness into the breath, the body, the feelings, the mind and the nature of phenomena.

Over the past six weeks Dhammarati has been leading a series on the Anapanasati Sutta - the Buddha’s instructions on this practice. This Q&A session was offered to the 200 people on the course; watch for a sneak-peak at what next week’s Order retreat on the Satipatthana will be like. There...


Online Course: Breathing into Liberation | Register before 4 June

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 26 May, 2023 - 16:02

Online Course: Breathing into Liberation | Register before 4 June

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 26 May, 2023 - 16:02

Six weeks exploring Anapanasati, Dhammarati introduces this sutta, which will take us from the simplest possible experience of breathing right through to exploring the nature of liberation. The course is on a dana basis.

Week 1 | The ‘Preliminary Practices’ | 5 June

Week 2 | Breathing with the Body | 12 June

Week 3 | Breathing with feelings | 19 June

Week 4 | Breathing with the mind | 26 June

Week 5 | Live Q&A with Dhammarati | 3 July

Week 6 | Breathing with wisdom | 10 July



The Precepts of Atisha

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 10:00

The Precepts of Atisha

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 10:00

The precept of the Lama is more important than scriptures and commentaries.

- Atiśa

In the early days of the Order, Sangharakshita held a seminar on a book called The Door of Liberation, which consisted of seven Tibetan texts, translated under the auspices of Geshe Wangyal. The Kadamthorbu was one of those.

The text consists of dialogues between Atiśa and his closest disciples, especially with his principal disciple, the layman Dromtönpa, who later founded the Kadam school. It’s an informal exposition of how to live as...


Duty and Delight | Hidden Gems

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 10:14

Duty and Delight | Hidden Gems

By Maitriyogini on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 10:14

What does it mean to really beleive that friendship is the whole of the spiritual life? How will that change how we act?

Being willing to help each other is part of the central enterprise of the spiritual life - to grow. By being with people who we are not hiding anything from, it can connect us to ourselves more, and point us toward the wonder and mystery of what it is to be a human being.

Dhammarati and Saddhaloka discuss some of the jewels to be found in this study material for the online...

Taraloka Retreat Centre
Taraloka Retreat Centre

Coming up next month: 'Freedom of the heart' - *online* Taraloka metta retreat for Triratna regulars!

By SophieAnn on Tue, 23 Feb, 2021 - 15:12

Coming up next month: 'Freedom of the heart' - *online* Taraloka metta retreat for Triratna regulars!

By SophieAnn on Tue, 23 Feb, 2021 - 15:12

With limited spaces left, avoid disappointment and book onto this online retreat, led by Saddhanandi, Shubhavyuha and team.

Using the words of the Buddha in the Karaniya Metta Sutta as our guide, we will focus on metta, grounding it in ethics, the practice of it in meditation, and the realisation of the fullness of metta in wisdom.

In cultivating metta, we are seeking to do something both ordinary, in developing qualities such as kindness, friendliness, patience, generosity - and something extraordinary, as metta moves...

Taraloka Retreat Centre
Taraloka Retreat Centre

Longing for the Dharma: The Power of Dharma Chanda

By SophieAnn on Sun, 31 Jan, 2021 - 09:48

Longing for the Dharma: The Power of Dharma Chanda

By SophieAnn on Sun, 31 Jan, 2021 - 09:48

All you need is faith!

Follow the YouTube link for a short talk by Maitrisiddhi, given to Order Members during Summer 2020, during which she shares her renowned passion for the Dharma.

For more, joinMaitrisiddhi
online for ‘True Entrusting: Shinran, the Buddha and Bhante’ in February, an online retreat suitable for GFR mitras and OMs.

For more information, or to book a limited space, please visit:…

Taraloka Retreat Centre
Taraloka Retreat Centre

Story, magic and puppetry: Mandarava's upcoming online retreat

By SophieAnn on Tue, 13 Oct, 2020 - 13:15

Story, magic and puppetry: Mandarava's upcoming online retreat

By SophieAnn on Tue, 13 Oct, 2020 - 13:15

Here’s Mandarava, speaking about her upcoming retreat, Stories of Wisdom, Stories of Life retreat, now running *online* from Saturday 24 October to Thursday 29 October.

Mandarava’s puppetry and storytelling is legendary. During this retreat she’ll explore a simple, yet compelling, Jataka story. How are we are when we’re faced with our fear? How can we find ways to resource ourselves? 

Only 8 spaces left, so please book to avoid disappointment by visiting the Taraloka website.

Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

Nandavajra message about Exeter Activities online

By Nandavajra on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 14:49

Nandavajra message about Exeter Activities online

By Nandavajra on Tue, 24 Mar, 2020 - 14:49

Nandavajra’s message about Triratna Exeter Activities online