We’re delighted to announce our new program for Winter-Spring 2017 after starting the new year off in such fine fashion with a beautiful Mitra ceremony.
We have 5 new intro courses (tell your friends!), a brand new practice night on Wednesday evenings (5.45-6.45pm) for anyone who knows how to meditate, ourfirst Seacoast Sangha retreat (March 3-5) -...
You are cordially invited to Patience’s Mitra Ceremony (July 24th, 10am-12pm)… Our friend Patience has decided to become a Mitra (= friend) in our community - and she’d love you to come celebrate with her! So much so, she made a series of art pieces to invite you!
It’s a great occasion to celebrate in the life of our community, and to witness someone’s heartfelt decision to take a step of genuine commitment on her spiritual path. Let’s give...
This week we’ll be continuing our exploration of the role of imagination in Dharma practice - using the Brahma Viharas series of meditations as a basis for looking at how we respond to whatever arises via the mind and the five senses through the course of our days.
Mudita (‘sympathetic joy’) is an attitude to others we can cultivate anytime. The quality we’re looking for can be rendered as a “joyful resonance”. The image is of the lark ascending, the...
Isn’t the world a complicated place? It’s not always easy to know what to do about it. As we continue our series looking at imagination as a key aspect of practice, let’s get together this Sunday morning and spend some time in each other’s good company exploring compassion as a profound act of creativity. We’ll practice the karuna bhavana and look at how positive empathy can change both our own experience and the world around us.
We are so pleased to share these photos of the stupa. The builders have gone home but Sonam will be back soon with the crest which is on it’s way from the creators.
By viriyalila on Thu, 24 Jul, 2014 - 00:01The Dhardo Rinpoche stupa at Aryaloka is rapidly taking shape. The base, or “lion throne” portion of the stupa was completed on Monday. Into it we placed a large sealed urn or vase, with contents representing things of samsara:
In many of her talks about the Aryaloka stupa project, Viriyagita, has shared a video about the building and dedication of the stupa at the New Zealand retreat center, Sudarshanaloka, I think this must be the most dramatically situated of the four existing Dhardo Rinpoche stupas at Triratna centers around the world, and I found the video to be quite inspiring. However, it left me curious about how the building of a stupa...
By viriyalila on Sat, 24 May, 2014 - 03:28Repost from 15/4/2014
Join the regional sangha for a scrumptious fundraising dinner at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on April 18th at 6:00 p.m. The menu includes a hearty soup to warm the winter chill, lovingly-created bread, salad, and cake for dessert to add a touch of sweetness. All this in addition to joyful sangha friends to break bread with!
There will be a presentation about the Stupa Project as part of the evening, and the dinner will be followed...