An old police service revolver and ammunition
A knife
Some coral
Gold chains
Silver and amber items
Dirt from the homes of wealthy people
Fur from horses and alpaca
A hammer
Garden tools
Other metal tools
A symbolic hatchet made of glass
Rice and other grains and beans
All of these items were packed tightly in fresh red cedar shavings collected from the making of the post that will stand in the center of the next levels of the stupa. When the stonemasons placed the urn in the stupa, the order members present chanted the Vajrasattva mantra. The crew chanted additional mantras in Tibetan and then filled the cavity around the vase with more cedar shavings. A flat stone was placed on top of the whole. The builders then invited the order members present to bring stones to fill the next layer inside the stupa. Mixed with cement, these seal the Lion’s Throne cavity.
In another week or so, the main drum of the stupa will be ready to receive all of the mantras sent from Triratna community members around the world. Along with the mantras, there will be copies of sutras from the three yanas, a puja book, and one or two writings by Bhante Sangharakshita, all to be sealed inside this upper section of the stupa.
We are close to completing fundraising to cover construction and related costs. Please consider making a contribution to this project through Aryaloka’s website.