Triratna News
Triratna News

How Buddhist Action Month is Going...

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 13:52

How Buddhist Action Month is Going...

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 20 Jun, 2018 - 13:52

While Buddhist Action Month is no doubt a busy time for the many Centres and groups taking part, several have taken the time to keep us updated on how it’s been going for them.

From Padmasambhava’s arrival in Adelaide, Australia, to the Tree of Intentions in the North London Buddhist Centre to the colourful newsletter produced by the Mid Essex Centre aiming to raise awareness and funds for the homeless and refugees groups have been responding...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Suriyavamsa's Dharma Walk Through Scotland

By Candradasa on Tue, 8 Jul, 2014 - 14:08

Suriyavamsa's Dharma Walk Through Scotland

By Candradasa on Tue, 8 Jul, 2014 - 14:08Over on our Features channel (encompassing the stories that make our home page each week, plus original new Dharma content) we’ve a remarkable ongoing series of posts from Suriyavamsa, the newly installed President of Triratna Highlands in Scotland. He is marking the start of his time in that position by making a ‘Dharma Walk’ (a pilgrimage of sorts) from Inverness to Glasgow (that’s 165 miles or so!). And he’s blogging it for us from his trusty...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Suriyavamsa's walk across Scotland

By Munisha on Mon, 30 Jun, 2014 - 14:34

Suriyavamsa's walk across Scotland

By Munisha on Mon, 30 Jun, 2014 - 14:34Suriyavamsa, the newly installed President of Triratna Highlands in Scotland, is marking the start of his presidency by making a Dharma walk from Inverness to Glasgow. That’s about 165 miles/265 km!

He’s going to be blogging about it as he goes.
Go to Features and click + follow to follow him along the road.
Triratna Highlands
Triratna Highlands

Introduction to Meditation and Buddhism Courses

By dhanimisha on Thu, 20 Mar, 2014 - 12:05

Introduction to Meditation and Buddhism Courses

By dhanimisha on Thu, 20 Mar, 2014 - 12:05There are two six-week courses aimed at complete beginners to be held at Triratna Highlands Buddhist Centre, Ballantyne House, Academy Street, Inverness. This will give an introduction to the two basic meditation practices of the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana (development of positive emotion), along with an introduction to fundamental Buddhist teachings. - One course will start on: Tuesday 25th March 2014 at 6:30pm to 8:30pm and the second Thursday, 27th March at 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Cost: by...
Triratna Highlands
Triratna Highlands

What's happening in the Highlands?

By satyapada on Wed, 8 Jan, 2014 - 14:49

What's happening in the Highlands?

By satyapada on Wed, 8 Jan, 2014 - 14:49We’ve got a centre in Inverness. Inumerable hassles with the property company and its minions that we’re renting from, but hey, who said it was going to be easy? If they did they were wrong…..

Last August we had Belladrum festival - small (15,000) music festival 15 miles from Inverness. We’ve been there for 7 of the 10 years it’s been running.

The first year we tried to get all the different buddhist groups around Inverness to join...