Triratna Buddhist Families
Triratna Buddhist Families

Interkula Parenting Questionnaire

By Centre Team on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 15:53

Interkula Parenting Questionnaire

By Centre Team on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 15:53

The Interkula group, whose goal is to assist and work closely with the Adhisthana Kula in discussion about various Triratna community topics, has recently put out an online survey for parents and children in the Triratna Community about their experiences. You can take the survey yourself by visiting this link and contributing your experiences to the discussion!

This is an opportunity for you to share what has worked and what hasn’t worked in your local situation, or...

Triratna Parents Mandala
Triratna Parents Mandala

Suggestions on Starting Family Events at your Local Centre

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 Jul, 2017 - 14:43

Suggestions on Starting Family Events at your Local Centre

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 Jul, 2017 - 14:43

Many centres in the Triratna Community around the world have been successful in initiating family events and programs, but there are still many opportunities to expand on this - especially in those areas where these initiatives haven’t yet taken off. Here are a couple of great ways to get started:

1) Create a Local Network of Families

In your local sangha it’s helpful to first identify and connect with other parents. This can take the form of informal gatherings, play dates, swapping babysitting, or...

Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Full Village 2013 > what else is available?

By libbydavy on Tue, 6 Aug, 2013 - 11:40

Full Village 2013 > what else is available?

By libbydavy on Tue, 6 Aug, 2013 - 11:40We are a full village now for 2013! Bookings Closed.

Infact we seem to book out every year, just by word of mouth, and have had to start limiting numbers. Please book early next year to make sure you can come.

Part of creating this online space is to help us germinate other family friendly events within the Triratna movement. Anyone that has any energy at all to help make that happen, can find a way to get...
Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Entering the Sangha - Sangharakshita

By libbydavy on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 15:11
See track 5 especially.

Sangharakshita talks with humour and wisdom about feeling free; the hot tubs of Buddhafield; a place where children can be safe and free outdoors.

Reposted from FBA

“In ‘Entering the Sangha’, Sangharakshita goes to Buddhafield! A first for him, and a first for the fabulous Buddhafield Festival that takes place each year at the height of the English summer. This talk was given in a tent in Devon - and the sounds...
Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Staying at Home, Dancing with the Universe - Amaragita

By libbydavy on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 15:03

“This talk from Amaragita takes a look at Buddhist practice in the light of parenting, and was given at the Buddhafield Festival in 2006. Look out for some lovely singing thoughout!” Reposted from FBA.

Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Sara Burns (Karunagita) on 'A Path for Parents'

By Candradasa on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 13:14

Sara Burns (Karunagita) on 'A Path for Parents'

By Candradasa on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 13:14How do we lead rich and meaningful spiritual lives in the context of parenting? In this short video, Sara Burns (Karunagita) talks about the opportunities and challenges of being a parent from a Buddhist perspective.

Sara will be at the Buddhafields Family Friendly Retreat again this year. She will be giving a talk on parenting and sharing her most recent experiences as the parent of two older teenagers, reflecting back on the road she has travelled this...
Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Family Friendly Village 2013

By libbydavy on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 11:57

Family Friendly Village 2013

By libbydavy on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 11:57Bookings are open for this year’s magical gathering on the land at Frog’s mill from Monday 19 August—Monday 26 August 2013. All welcome, whether you have children or not!

Numbers are limited this year, so please book soon if you wish to be there.

If you have never been before, you might like to listen to Amaragita’s talk here.

There will be a wide range of interviews from new comers, kids, teens, regulars etc… coming...
