Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Great Faith, Great Wisdom - Rainy Season Retreat 2017 by Ratnaguna, Day 1

By Centre Team on Mon, 11 Sep, 2017 - 20:54

Here are the two wonderful Dharma talks by Ratnaguna from the first day of the retreat this weekend, along with a led visualisation bringing the Pure Land of Sukhavati, made of all precious things, to life. As a treat to conclude, we also get the Bristol sangha chanting a beautiful, resonant version of Amitabha mantra.


Talk 1: Why hear the Pure Land Sutras?

An introduction to the three Pure Land sutras and to understanding the practice of Mahayana sutras in general. Other...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Great Faith, Great Wisdom Retreat Online!

By Centre Team on Mon, 11 Sep, 2017 - 16:37

Great Faith, Great Wisdom Retreat Online!

By Centre Team on Mon, 11 Sep, 2017 - 16:37

All this week we’ll be bringing you online resources and blogs from the Bristol Buddhist Centre’s Rainy Season Retreat on ‘Great Faith, Great Wisdom’ with Ratnaguna.

Follow the retreat online

On this retreat Ratnaguna will guide us on a journey into Amitābha’s Pure Land, Sukhāvati – a mythical realm where the ground is golden, trees are made of jewels, heavenly musical instruments play ravishing music, and magical birds sing the Dharma. It is...


The Essence of Wisdom and Compassion: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 23:16

The Essence of Wisdom and Compassion: Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata

By akasajoti on Tue, 13 Jun, 2017 - 23:16

The theme of today has been the connection between metta and wisdom - the realisation of metta. Saddhaloka gave a presentation this morning where he spoke of the dual aspects of the path – samata and vipassana, wisdom and compassion, merit and insight – and described how they are really a part of a single process. There is an aspect of seeing into the truth of things, where ultimately there is no knower, or known, or act of knowing, just...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Great Faith, Great Wisdom - Interview with Ratnaguna on His New Book

By sanghadhara on Thu, 10 Mar, 2016 - 19:36

Ratnaguna shares his excitement on his new book and tells us why he wrote this book on Pure Land sutras, who it’s written for, and the extras! :) Enjoy!

You can order this book soon from Windhorse Publications

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Voice of the Buddha

By Rijupatha on Thu, 7 May, 2015 - 18:02

FBA Podcast: The Voice of the Buddha

By Rijupatha on Thu, 7 May, 2015 - 18:02

Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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We’ve all read the words of the Buddha – but what did he SOUND like? What might it have been like to actually hear him…? In our FBA Podcast this week, Ratnaguna gives us a beautifully imaginative and well-researched evovation of the Buddha entitled “The Voice of the Buddha”.

Talk given on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, under the overall theme ‘Imagining the Buddha.’

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Amitasuri on Buddhist Chaplaincy

By Candradasa on Wed, 10 Dec, 2014 - 17:27
A wonderful conversation with Amitasuri who has overcome huge health difficulties to train and work as a Buddhist Chaplain in the UK. Her passion for the vocational side of chaplaincy is inspiring and infectious, and it’s moving to hear how her own situation has allowed her to be present - truly present - with people suffering greatly, and to make a difference in that way.

Find out more about Buddhist Chaplaincy in the UK

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Great Faith, Great Wisdom

By Rijupatha on Mon, 20 Oct, 2014 - 18:30

FBA Podcast: Great Faith, Great Wisdom

By Rijupatha on Mon, 20 Oct, 2014 - 18:30Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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This week’s FBA Podcast, “Great Faith, Great Wisdom,” by Ratnaguna, is from the 2014 Men’s Order Convention.
Vajra Bell
Vajra Bell

Vajra Bell - Summer 2013

Vajra Bell - Summer 2013

By Rijupatha on Wed, 3 Jul, 2013 - 16:07In this issue of the Vajra Bell newsletter:

• “Buddhist Roots in the Wild West: The History of Triratna in America” by Dh. Viriyalila
• “Sustaining Faith on the Spiral Path” by Barry Timmerman
• Dhardo Tulku Rinpoche Visits Aryaloka - recap and background from Dh. Viriyagita
• “A Pilgrimage to Japan: An Artist’s Tour for Buddhists, a Buddhist Tour for Artists” by Lois Sans
• Reflections on a recent men’s community retreat
• Aryaloka arts: exhibits by textile...
