This talk explores the basic choice we have in life and goes into how we can cultivate positive emotion. The topics of motivation, faith and karma are also discussed.
This week’s FBA Podcast by Danadasa is entitled Faith and Wisdom. In this Buddhist path of transformation, how we relate to practice has a profound effect upon that which unfolds. How do we relate to the idea of path and goal? How do we relate to effort? How do we relate to not knowing? During this 4-week Sangha Night series, Danadasa will explore what is meant by a wise relationship to practice through the perspective...
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, is called Faith as Metta by Saddhaloka from the talk entitled Amitabha. This is the fourth talk in a six-part series on the figures on the Wheel of Life. Saddhaloka introduces us to Amitabha, the red Buddha of the West who represents and inspires the highest love of all. Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, winter retreat, 1997
In this Dharmabyte podcast, ‘A Prayer to the Moon’, Paramananda shares a David White poem about the moon as a means of expressing consciousness that is inspired by longing for something greater than us.
From a talk called ‘The Moon’ given at the West London Buddhist Centre.
Drawing out concepts from the Dhammapada’s verses, Padmavajra explores the qualities of faith (or shraddha) in this FBA Dharmabyte entitled “Shraddha - A Curious Intuition”.
In this FBA Dharmabyte entitled ‘Changing Faith’, Sangharakshita discusses how Faith (shraddha) arises in dependence on unsatisfactoriness (dukkha). From the talk The Dynamics of Being given in 1966 as part of the series Introducing Buddhism.
In this FBA Dharmabyte entitled ‘Faith’, Subhadramati explores what Buddhism means by faith, pointing us to what exactly we need to have faith in if we are to deepen into life. From the talk of the same name, Faith, given on the Urban Retreat 2016.
This FBA Dharmabyte is entitled ‘Confidence’. Confidence in the three jewels is incredibly important for our spiritual lives. Excerpted from the talk of the same title, Confidence, which includes a led meditation.