Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Why confidentiality?

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 10 Jun, 2021 - 14:00

Why confidentiality?

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 10 Jun, 2021 - 14:00

You may be wondering why the details about Safeguarding cases and cases of ethical misconduct in Triratna need to be kept so confidential. Why can’t everyone know?

Actually it’s not specifically to do with Safeguarding or misconduct. Data protection law in the UK and many other countries strictly protects the privacy of the individual and restricts the ways in which organisations may use or share information about individuals. You’ll notice this every time a website or an organisation asks your permission to hold...

Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Setting up secure email for Safeguarding work

By ECA Safeguarding on Tue, 18 May, 2021 - 13:32

Setting up secure email for Safeguarding work

By ECA Safeguarding on Tue, 18 May, 2021 - 13:32

Standard email is not secure enough for our charities to satisfy data protection law when sharing the kind of very sensitive personal information​ we sometimes need to share in Safeguarding work - which is permitted by law specifically for addressing and preventing harm.

ProtonMail offers free secure email and it can be set up so that you receive an alert to your regular email any time you receive a new message in ProtonMail, so you don’t have to remember to check it. (See below for more...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Some info on GDPR (data protection law) updated July 2021

By Development Team on Tue, 3 Sep, 2019 - 21:29

DON’T PANIC! It’s unlikely we are straying too far from the law, given we aspire to ethical and respectful living!

In the UK, the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) oversees GDPR compliance and has an advice line for small organisations which you can call if you have any tricky questions - 0303 123 1113 and select option 4 

You may also find information on their website of interest, particularly this page. If you’re concerned about whether you need a Data Controller, see this...