Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Buddhist Voices - Vidyatara

By Candradasa on Sat, 6 Aug, 2016 - 00:49

Vidyatara was one of the forces behind the development of the Triratna International Council after its foundation in 2011. We get a chance to catch up with her on her first return visit to the UK after moving back to Melbourne, Australia. She still carries a fierce passion for the vision of a genuinely international Buddhist movement and that comes through as we hear about aspects of her life and practice at home, back in national political work, carrying...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Introducing Purna

By Saccanama on Tue, 15 Mar, 2016 - 14:09

A great interview with Purna by Nagabodhi, who has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since the late 1970s and is attending his first meeting of the Preceptors College. We hear the history of the Triratna community in New Zealand and Australia, and the continuing process of ordination training in the southern hemisphere.

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Sydney Under 35's retreat

By Prajnaketu on Mon, 22 Feb, 2016 - 15:47

Sydney Under 35's retreat

By Prajnaketu on Mon, 22 Feb, 2016 - 15:47

26th-28th of Feb

“In fact we may say that the creative mind at its highest level is freedom itself…” Sangharakshita

On this retreat we will begin to get a sense of what the creative mind truly is. Creative mind is not about being an artist or having any special ‘talent’. It’s about finding freedom from the mechanical and habitual nature of the reactive mind, about questioning and moving beyond the usual. The process begins with the simple application of awareness.

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Indians, Australians and a New Zealander ordained together at Bhaja in India

By Saccanama on Fri, 5 Feb, 2016 - 14:24

Indians, Australians and a New Zealander ordained together at Bhaja in India

By Saccanama on Fri, 5 Feb, 2016 - 14:24

21 men were ordained recently at Bhaja retreat centre in India on a retreat led by Sona. It was a coming together of men from Australia, New Zealand and India for an unusual event cutting across cultural boundaries. 

With these ordinations, there are now over 2000 Order members worldwide.

Eric Barrett (Sydney) becomes: Maitribandha
Meaning of name: He who is bound by Maitri...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Tejopala - Nature and the Greater Mandala

By Candradasa on Mon, 23 Nov, 2015 - 21:50

Tejopala - Nature and the Greater Mandala

By Candradasa on Mon, 23 Nov, 2015 - 21:50

If you want to know wheat you’re missing on our Urban Retreat… There’s still time to sign up (it’s free)!

As part of the Triratna’s International Urban Retreat for 2015, Tejopala from Melbourne, Australia, gives a beautiful talk about the relationship between a Dharma perspective on life and the urgency of the need to care for nature. Some great questions asked here, all amidst an urban natural space…

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 6 - Maitripala on Women's Ordination and Her Australian Pilgrimage

By parami on Fri, 23 Oct, 2015 - 15:53

Parami again from “Oceania”! She’s in conversation here with her friend Maitripala who has been living in Europe for a year but is now back home and engaging with women seeking ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Great to hear the inspiration - old and new - come through as a new generation of women grapples with the challenges and joys of Buddhist practice and of community.

And as a bonus we hear a preview of her ‘Buddhas in My Pocket Pilgrimage’,...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 5 - Rijumayi on Young Buddhists Australia

By parami on Fri, 23 Oct, 2015 - 01:48

Parami’s season of interviews from the South Pacific continues with an in-depth chat to Rijumayi, a young woman who has just joined the Triratna Buddhist Order and is pioneering the Australian branch of the international Young Buddhists movement out of Melbourne.

It’s a thoughtful engagement around the particularities of practice for young people - around ethics and the challenges of building Dharma support for others your own age when you are still working everything out yourself.

Subscribe to our Podcast on iTunes

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 4 - Tejopala and Akasamati on Climate Change and Triratna

By parami on Fri, 23 Oct, 2015 - 01:12

Parami is back, reporting from  Australasia - or is it Oceania? - talking with two friends who have spent much of their adult lives reflecting on - and acting upon - climate change as an integral aspect of their Buddhist practice. A fascinating, sometimes sobering, but realistically positive conversation about what environmental issues have to do with the Dharma - and what we can do to get involved…

Topics covered include ‘transition towns’; Al Gore’s initiative; thinking about our kids; how to...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 3 - South Pacific Retreat

By parami on Mon, 5 Oct, 2015 - 23:19

Parami chats with Kate and Cynthia at the end of the ordination training retreat at Vijayaloka Retreat Centre in Australia. Great to hear inspiring tales from the outback as women deepen their friendships and Buddhist practice together… 

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European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

An Australian perspective on the European Chairs' Assembly

By Munisha on Wed, 19 Aug, 2015 - 22:32

Shubhavyuha and Sudaya, from Triratna’s Sydney and Melbourne Buddhist Centres, talk to Munisha about why they’ve travelled all the way to Adhisthana for a gathering of Triratna’s European Chairs, and what they’ve got from it.
