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Community Highlights

Triratna America - Dayamudra: Jai Bhim International

By Candradasa on Thu, 20 Jun, 2013 - 20:25
Dayamudra runs Jai Bhim International out of San Francisco, working with Dalit communities in India to escape the stigma of caste through education. This is a great interview where her natural passion for a cause that’s dear to her heart really shines through. An excellent introduction to the injustices of ‘untouchability’ in India and to how to move beyond it. Practically inspiring words from an inspired lady!

Jai Bhim’s website:

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Community Highlights

Triratna America - Viriyagita on Dhardo Rimpoche and Meeting His Tulku

By Candradasa on Wed, 19 Jun, 2013 - 18:02
Back in April we did an interview with Viriyagita from the east coast of the US about her recent trip to India and her meeting with the recognised tulku of Dhardo Rimpoche, one of Sangharakshita’s eight main teachers, from the Gelug tradition. An inspiring visit and an excellent discussion about Viriyagita’s renewed vision of building a stupa to Dhardo Rimpoche at Aryaloka Buddhist Retreat Center in New Hampshire.

This week,...
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Community Highlights

Triratna America - Viradhamma: North America and Beyond

By Rijupatha on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 20:29
Viradhamma joins us by Skype from the San Francisco Buddhist Center to talk about the many projects he is involved with in North America and abroad.

As a member of the North American men’s ordination training team, he speaks to the challenges and changes the ordination process has experienced in this part of the world and what inspires him about working with the men.

He also talks about his work with the North American...
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Community Highlights

Triratna America - Karunadevi: Ordaining Women in North America

By viriyalila on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 19:49
A great conversation with Karunadevi, my Private Preceptor from San Francisco, and the first American Public Preceptor, about following a vision - one that started when she first encountered our community in the mid-’80s. Shortly after becoming a Mitra, Karunadevi knew that she wanted to help other women practice in the sangha, to be able to become Mitras and eventually join the Order itself…
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Triratna America - Noble Silence Retreats

By Rijupatha on Mon, 17 Jun, 2013 - 19:14
We’re joined here by American Order members Bodhana and Karunasara, who have been integrally involved in what’s become a really important and rich development in what we offer in the U.S. - what are called the ‘Noble Silence’ Retreats.

These ten-day silent meditation retreats began as a bit of an experiment in the States, a response to a strong need for many practitioners to go deeper into their meditation practices in a strongly supportive environment for...
