What the World Needs Now: Triratna's Gift
Re-watch all the events!Support the Thousand 1000s campaignTriratna Day 2022
Six events – six gifts, hosted by Adhisthana, Berlin & the Americas
Triratna Day 2022 was a celebration of our contribution to the world:
a vision of truth, communicated in a culture of kalyana mitrata (beautiful friendship) for the benefit of all.
The day was an experience of that, especially of being part of a global network of friendships for the good.
There were six events—a meditation, a talk, a ‘tea break’, an ‘India visit’, a seminar and a puja—hosted from Adhisthana, Berlin, and Nagpur. Translation was available for most of the sessions.
The symbol for the day was the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara. Avalokitesvara in the World is the theme of the £1 million appeal that FutureDharma launched at the event.
Join us to re-live a very special day, and a chance to explore with experienced Order Members around the world what it means to be part of a global spiritual community.

When you give to FutureDharma you’re supporting ‘Everyday Bodhisattvas’—Dharma farers who practice and share the Dharma with other people.
Throughout the world these extraordinary people create Buddhist Centres, translate Dharma texts, teach, and make it possible for anyone, anywhere in the world to practice the Dharma.
We hope to raise £15,000 today so that many more people can transform their lives and build a better world.
If 250 of us give £60, then we can do it!

1. Welcome & International Metta Bhavana
From Urgyen House and the Adhisthana shrine room, Prajnaketu welcomes us and Saddhanandhi lead a loving-kindness meditation, featuring contributions from friends around the world.

2. Talk: What the World Needs Now
From Buddhistisches Tor Berlin, Maitreyabandhu unfolds the theme of What the World Needs Now. Followed by a Q&A,

3. Tales from the Edge: practising in difficult conditions in India, Mexico and Poland
We begin with an inspiring presentation by Amalavajra about the Thousand 1000s campaign. Then we hear a series of ‘Tales from the Edge’: amazing accounts of practising in difficult conditions in India, Mexico and Poland. Hosted by FutureDharma team and project leaders.

4. India Visit (60 mins)
Four moving stories of transformation from members of our Indian sangha.

5. Seminar with Subhuti: What the World Needs Now: An International Community, a Transcendental Vision
A brilliantly evocative and personal call to connection, across all boundaries and conditionings.
Followed by a Q & A

6. International Triratna Puja
Live from Adhisthana’s shrineroom, Urgyen Sangharakshita’s burial mound, and Mexico City. Hosted by Khemabandhu.
Featuring readings in English, Ukranian, Russian, Polish, Chinese, French, Albanian, Turkish, Spanish, German, and Swedish.