Triratna Day 2025: Sunday April 6
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Hosted by Jnanadhara – International Movement Co-ordinator

A Garland of Rejoicings From Around the World
The Triratna Buddhist Community was founded by Urgyen Sangharakshita and 2025 marks the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. For this special anniversary year our online celebration of Triratna Day will be a rejoicing in his life and qualities.

In each of the three sessions we will hear from three Order members – from different generations and parts of the world – about life changing encounters they had with Sangharakshita and the qualities that were communicated through those encounters.

Speakers include: Akasaka (UK/Finland), Buddhadasa (UK/Australia), Guhyavajra (New Zealand), Karunadevi (USA), Sridevi (Finland), Suryapala (USA) and Tarahridaya (India).

After the talks we’ll hear briefly about new initiatives from Future Dharma and the International Triratna Translations Board, then meditate together as an international spiritual community.


painting depicting Eleven-Headed Kannon

Session 1: A Garland of Roses (1 hour 30 minutes)

USA PST 01:00 | Mexico 02:00 | USA EST 04:00 | IE & UK 09:00 | Europe 10:00 CET | India 13:30 | Australia AEST 18:00 | New Zealand NZST 20:00

photo of Bhante's burial mound

Session 2: A Garland of Lotuses (1 hour 30 minutes)

USA PST 08:00 | Mexico 09:00 | USA EST 11:00 | IE & UK 16:00 | Europe 17:00 CET | India 20:30 | Australia AEST 01:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 03:00 (next day)

photo of Bhante's burial mound

Session 3: A Garland of Marigolds (1 hour 30 minutes)

USA PST 11:00 | Mexico 12:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe 20:00 CET | India 23:30 | Australia AEST 04:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 06:00 (next day)

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