Triratna Day 2023 Re-watch all the eventsSupport the Thousand 1000sHosted from Adhisthana and around the world by Jnanadhara

Roots in the Earth
Since our founding, Triratna has evolved to become a truly international sangha in special – even sacred – spaces. Collaborating in the creation of these spaces has been crucial to how we’ve grown individually and collectively. On Triratna Day, we celebrate the significance of such spaces in our history and the work that is happening to put roots down in new places today.
From Bhante Sangharakshita’s early work in England to the current efforts of Order Members in countries as diverse as New Zealand, Finland, Poland, Mexico, India, and Brazil, our community has recognized the importance of establishing and nurturing new ground for practice. This is Sangha as an ever-widening circle – continuing to ripple and spread, grow and flourish, across the globe.
Roots in the Sky
As Bhante once said, for our Sangha to thrive we need really deep roots – roots, that is, in the sky! This way of speaking about bodhichitta is embodied in the image of the cosmic Refuge Tree. On Triratna Day we hear from senior members of the Order live from Adhisthana, sharing their personal connections with figures from the tree, exploring why they remain vital to our lineage of practice and to our sense of Triratna as a whole. As we come together in large numbers around the world to celebrate our roots – in the earth and in the sky.

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1. Welcome & International Metta Bhavana
Jnanadhara welcomes us from Urgyen House and we begin the day with loving-kindness meditation led by Suryagupta, featuring contributions from friends around the world.

2. Conversation: Sangharakshita – The Boy, The Monk, The Man
From Adhisthana Nagabodhi discusses his brand new book on Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community, with Paramartha a close friend of Sangharakshita’s for over 30 years.
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3. Talk: The Electric Charge of Communication
As part of Adhisthana’s Triratna Day celebrations, Saddhanandi speaks to us about the ‘existential communication’ that can arise between a more, and a less, experienced practitioner. A communication that can take you to the limits of your own being and encourage you to stretch beyond them. Followed by a opportunity to meet other Sangha members from around the world.

4. Roots in the Earth – Stories of Triratna Pioneers
Sangha members from Japan, Ireland and Brazil share their inspiration for establishing new contexts for Buddhist practice in new places.

5. Roots in the Sky – Exploring the Triratna Refuge Tree with the College of Public Preceptors
From Adhisthana Jnanadhara speaks to Ratnadharini chair of the College about the significance of the Triratna Refuge Tree. We also hear from three Public Preceptors – Parami from Scotland, Nagapriya from Mexico, Adityabodhi from India – about their special connection with a figure from the Tree.

6. Visit to Centro Budista de la Ciudad de México & Triratna Day Puja