Coronavirus Emergency in India
A special evening with Padmavajra and friends Click now and save lives in India (UK)Click now and save lives in India (international)
Coronavirus Emergency in India
A special evening with Padmavajra and friends Tap now and save lives in India (UK)Tap now and save lives in India (international)Padmavajra in the shrine room at Padmaloka Retreat Centre with the Padmaloka community
With your help The Abhayaratna Trust has raised over £150,000. Let’s keep it going!
This will help our Order offer care for the long term to our sisters and brothers in India – to support them and their families throughout this enduring crisis.
Donate now and help us work to alleviate terrible suffering and bring hope back to the lives of many Dharma friends.
Give from the UK | Give internationally | Give direct within India (donations made direct within India benefit Trailokya Buddha Mahasangha Sahayak Gana)
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Read an update on integrated COVID-19 relief efforts for India within Triratna
Dear Friends,
The second wave of COVID-19 is causing poverty, distress and death in India. Very sadly we have lost several members of the Order to coronavirus in recent days. Currently 15 Order members are unwell to the point of needing medicines and / or oxygen. With public health supplies running low, these things need to be paid for privately. We want to send £150 to each of these Order members to give them this ability.
The Abhayaratna Trust grant team in India have let us know too that 51 Order brothers and sisters are currently unable to work due to pandemic restrictions. They need modest funds to buy food and pay basic household bills for a couple of months. We want to send £60 to each of them. We did this last year and it worked really well to relieve immediate hardship.
So we are appealing today for your help. Can you give £150 or £60, or the equivalent in your country’s currency, so that we can quickly pass on your gift to these specific 66 Order members?
Please donate now to the emergency appeal (UK)
Please donate now to the emergency appeal (international)
If you can do this today, or help with any amount of your choosing, please give now. And please share this appeal with your friends if you think they could help too. Thank you very much.
With metta
Mahasraddha, Taradakini, Jinavamsa & Utpalavajri
The Abhayaratna Trust Team
P.S. Donations can also be securely made via our website.
You can also donate by sending a UK cheque payable to The Abhayaratna Trust, to Flat 0/3, 37 Amisfield Street, Glasgow, G20 8LB.
Make a regular gift and we can ensure this work continues in the months and years to come.
Thank you from the Triratna community around the world!
May you be well!
For those living outside the UK, please give here via PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account, debit and credit card direct payments are accepted.)
For guidance, £100 = $140 | €115 | 10K Indian rupees
Or send an international bank transfer:
Skipton Building Society,
Iban: GB03BARC20789170798924
Swift: BARCGB22, reference 991744351
Please email us with any donation questions.
Donations made direct within India benefit Trailokya Buddha Mahasangha Sahayak Gana
With many thanks to Padmavajra and the Padmaloka community for their generosity in helping us organise this event.
Thanks also to the communities at Adhisthana and the London Buddhist Centre for their indispensable support.
And a deep bow to the Abhayaratna Trust for their work to mount this appeal providing urgent care for our Order in India.