Welcome to the Convention! | Bienvenida a la Convención! | अधिवेशन में आपका स्वागत है!
Welcome to the separate International Convention day for Dharmacharinis and Dharmacharis. On this day we explored Virya as one of the Five Spiritual Faculties. Our efforts in the Dharma life require certain conditions to be Virya, energy in pursuit of the good.
The women’s day evoked the Four Powers of Virya, which Shantideva illuminates in Chapter 7 of the Bodhicaryavatara, and with Vajrapani as the archetypal image of integrated energy. The men’s day called on Amoghasiddhi and his fearlessness in pursuing the good, the ethical. We connected from all around the world.
with metta,
Lokeshvara, Aryajaya and the International Order Office team
We ran this convention on a dana basis and therefore are relying on your generosity to cover our costs and to support international Triratna projects through FutureDharma Fund, India Dhamma Trust and Abhayaratna Trust. Please give whatever you can through the Future Dharma Fund website
Day for women/Dhammacharinis
Bodhicitta Practice led by Ratnavandana
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
My name is Virya . . . a short talk by Viryadana in Australia
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Talk by Viryadevi: The Courage to be True
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Talk from Maitrisiddhi: The Power of Dharma Chanda
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
My name is Virya . . . Viryadhi in Germany and Viriyasati in Canada chat about Virya in their lives
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Talk from Saddhajoti: The Power of Buddha Pride
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Panel Conversation: Confidence and Success in the Spiritual Life, with Aryajaya, Vijaya, Dhammamegha, Carunalaka and Simharava
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Talk from Sarvatajnana: The Power of Letting Go
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Three Fold Puja led by Chandrasiddhi and Mexican Dharmacharinis
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Vajrapani sadhana led by Viryadevi
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Talk by Viriyalila: The Power of Empathy and Delight
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Vajrapani Puja: A Garland of Gems, led by Akhobhini and Auckland Dharmacharinis
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Day for men/Dhammacharis
Talk from Vaddhaka: Amoghasiddhi -Green Buddha of Energy in Action
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Amoghasiddhi sadhana led by Nayadipa
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Talk from Sravaniya: Virya – Action and Surrender; The Mytho-Poetic Beauty of Letting Go
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Talk from Padmavajra: The Lightning Bolt of the Guru’s Compassion and the Perfection of Virya
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Imagining Energy: A reflective and imaginative exploration of Virya and The Five Spiritual Faculties and The System of Practice – by Nagasiddhi from Rivendell retreat centre
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Amoghasiddhi sadhana with introduction from Vidhuma
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
Meditation workshop with Kamalashila
This recording is open to all but we ask you to be discerning about who you share it with as it was given in an Order context
Closing ritual with Ratnavyuha and Auckland Dharmacharis
By offering this video to Order members we assume that it is handled in such a manner that it remains for the viewing of members of the Order only
We ran this convention on a dana basis and therefore are relying on your generosity to cover our costs and to support international Triratna projects through FutureDharma Fund, India Dhamma Trust and Abhayaratna Trust.
Please give whatever you can.