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FBA Podcast: Climate Precepts In The Burning House

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 3 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

How can Buddhists respond to the climate emergency? Vishvapani uses the Parable of the Burning House from the Lotus Sutra to suggest our responsibilities’ and finds the values we need to guide us in the Five Precepts.

Given at Cardiff Buddhist Centre on Dharma Day, July 2019.

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Padmavajri's picture

Clarification about Karunabala’s Funeral ceremony on Wednesday 14th

From Order Connection on Mon, 12 Aug, 2019 - 15:53

Clarification about Karunabala’s Funeral ceremony on Wednesday 14th

From Order Connection on Mon, 12 Aug, 2019 - 15:53

Dear Order members, 

As many of you know, full details have already been posted about the Ceremony in Hastings this Wednesday 14th, for Karunabala. 

We want to clarify that if you feel a connection with Karunabala and wish to be part of the afternoon’s celebration of her life, you are invited. Please contact me on padmavajri [at] and I will pass your name on to Aparacitta who has been doing the organising...

Sadayasihi's picture

Vajrasattva Mantras (UK & Ireland Order Convention 2019) OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 11 Aug, 2019 - 20:00

Om Vajrasattva hum!

Rounding off several days of practice of meditation and exploration of the four main sadhanas Bhante practiced (Green Tara, Manjughosha, Padmasambhava and Vajrasattva) there was a Vajrasattva sadhana puja on the final night of the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention. Here are some of the mantras from that puja: firstly, Yashodeva sings the slow version of the 100 syllable mantra, then Santavajri starts off seven rounds of the 100 syllable mantra and finally, Vandanajyoti begins the...

Sadayasihi's picture

Santavajri Leads the Vajrasattva Sadhana (UK & Ireland Order Convention 2019) OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 11 Aug, 2019 - 18:00

Santavajri leads the Vajrasattva sadhana, both a standalone sadhana practice, and one of the mula yogas - foundation practices - which also the includes the Bodhicitta practice, the Mandala Offering practice, the Going for Refuge and Prostration Practice, and the Kalyanamitra Yoga.

Before the sadhana begins, Vishvantara reads out a poem about Vajrasattva, written by Ananda.

Recorded during the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention at Wymondham College.

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Dharma Talk - Prakasha: The Illumined Imagination (UK & Ireland Order Convention 2019) OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 11 Aug, 2019 - 14:00

Prakasha outlines the nature of the samaya-sattva (the Buddha/Bodhisattva figure to which we have a commitment). Our samaya is about establishing a communication between ourselves and our chosen sadhana deity, and he explores the illumined imagination as a means to achieving this.

Prakasha rounds off this series by comparing the symbols of the path and the mandala as models for practice, noting that while the mandala has boundaries, it also enables everyone to have a place within its scope.

This is the final of...

Sadayasihi's picture

Prakasha Leads the Padmasambhava Sadhana (UK & Ireland Order Convention 2019) OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 - 22:11

Prakasha leads the Padmasambhava sadhana - which Bhante received from Kachu Rimpoche, abbot of the royal monastery of Sikkim, in Kalimpong, 1962. The words of the sadhana are of Bhante’s own composition.

Recorded during the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention at Wymondham College.

Download talk on Free Buddhist Audio (you will need to log in as an Order member first)

See all posts about the UK & Ireland Order Convention

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Dharma Talk - Prakasha: Imagination, Archetype, Myth and Drama (UK & Ireland Order Convention 2019) OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 - 21:59

Prakasha focuses on the fourth stage of sadhana practice - the imaginal evocation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva figure. Imagination can be expressed through symbols or signs and the sadhana itself is a myth (a story that holds value) which is represented as a drama that unfolds through various stages. Each sadhana provides a unique gateway into the Mandala of Awakening.

This is the third talk of four talks given by Prakasha at the 2019 UK ...

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Jnanavaca leads the Manjughosha Stuti Sadhana (UK & Ireland Order Convention 2019) OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sat, 10 Aug, 2019 - 19:33

Jnanavaca leads the Manjughosha Stuti Sadhana, which was given to Bhante in 1957 in Darjeeling by Jamyang Khyentse Rimpoche. This sadhana is also known by the name of “Cloud of Worship Pleasing to the Protector Manjusri, being the way to Practice the Profound Stuti Sadhana of the Holy Manjughosha”.

Recorded during the 2019 UK & Ireland Area Order Convention at Wymondham College.

Download talk on Free Buddhist Audio (you will need to log in as an Order member first)

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