akasharaja's picture

An Obituary of Dharmacharini Anagarika Ratnasuri

From Order Connection on Wed, 18 Sep, 2019 - 17:18

Kamalagita has written this lovely obituary of Ratnasuri, which you can also download below as a PDF. Please feel free to add any memories and eulogies you may wish to share as a comment below.


Ratnasuri was born on 1 April 1923, in Norwich, one of triplets. She and one sister survived - after a difficult start; they were so small they had to be fed by their parents with a dropper from a...

File NameSize
Ratnasuri's obituary79.59 KB
Saddhavasini's picture

Vajra Bell Fall 2019 issue

From Vajra Bell on Wed, 18 Sep, 2019 - 17:02
File NameSize
vajrabell_fall_2019.pdf12.73 MB
akasharaja's picture

Funeral arrangements for Ratnasuri

From Order Connection on Wed, 18 Sep, 2019 - 09:49

Funeral arrangements for Ratnasuri

From Order Connection on Wed, 18 Sep, 2019 - 09:49

From Samantabhadri

The funeral of Dharmacharini Anagarika Ratnasuri will be held at Taraloka on Thursday October 10 at 2.00 pm and led by Samantabhadri and Kalyanaprabha. The ceremony will be a joyful celebration of Ratnasuri and of her seemingly endless qualities and talents. It will include rejoicings, music, poetry and devotion. There will be an open space for anyone who wishes to add a few more words of remembering or rejoicing – just a minute or two each.

Ratnasuri’s body will be cremated following...

akasharaja's picture

Upcoming ordinations at Guhyaloka

From Order Connection on Mon, 16 Sep, 2019 - 16:09

Upcoming ordinations at Guhyaloka

From Order Connection on Mon, 16 Sep, 2019 - 16:09

From Priyadasa

Dear Order Members,

I am delighted to announce that the following 11 men will be ordained at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Spain.

The private ordinations will be on 19 - 21 September.

The public ordination ceremony will be on Tuesday 24th September at 12:00 local time (10:00 GMT)


William Elworthy (Bristol)

Ian Hannah (Liverpool)

Paul King (Ipswich)

Paul Mason (Cardiff)

Mark Melbourne (Nottingham)

David Tyfield (Liverpool)

Sion Williams (North Wales)

Stephen Howe (Thames, New Zealand)

William Frugal (Leeds)

Gary Murray (Mid Essex Buddhist Centre)

Frederic Rosset (Paris & Padmaloka)

With metta,


Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: A Garland of Going Forth

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 16 Sep, 2019 - 14:00

This is one of a series of talks on the Therigatha, the songs or poems of the nuns at the time of the Buddha.

Gunasiddhi begins by saying that the songs are trying to communicate a level of spiritual experience to the hearer. The talk contains three themes: Going Forth, Friendship and Impermanence.

In this Dharmabyte we hear about the topic of Going forth which happened in a variety of ways for different reasons for these nuns. For us, we don’t go...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Men's GFR Retreat - Ten Reflection - Sept 19

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 16 Sep, 2019 - 07:04

Men's GFR Retreat - Ten Reflection - Sept 19

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Mon, 16 Sep, 2019 - 07:04

Ten reflection for one who has gone forth led by Dh. Chandrabodhi for men’s GFR Retreat attended by 51 retreatant supported by Dh. Anomdassi, Dh. Jnandhavj and Dh. Prabodhratna.from 8th to 15th Sept 19

Ten Reflection for who has gone forth
1. Have I Enter the casteless state (attachment to Identity) 
2. My Livelihood dependent on other (...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Forgiveness and Happiness

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 14 Sep, 2019 - 14:00

Touching on the themes of righteous indignation, spiritual bypassing, empathy, non-violent communication, envy and exploring apology, confession and working with betrayal, Santavajri poses the question as to whether we can forgive ourselves and move towards unconditional love for all beings. An exploration of verses 4, 5 and 6 of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind.

Talk given at the Women’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, December 2018 as of the series Women’s Area Order...

akasharaja's picture

Death of Dharmacharini Ratnasuri

From Order Connection on Sat, 14 Sep, 2019 - 13:59

Death of Dharmacharini Ratnasuri

From Order Connection on Sat, 14 Sep, 2019 - 13:59

Dear Order members,

Our much loved friend and preceptor, Dharmacharini Anagarika Ratnasuri, died yesterday, 13 September 2019, in the early afternoon. Muditavati was with her until shortly before she died. She died peacefully. She was 96. She was taken to Wrexham hospital in the first week of September with a bleed to the brain. Since then she was apparently mostly unconscious but seemed peaceful and serene. This is how I experienced her when I visited two days ago, as did other friends.

Ratnasuri was ordained...

Vajrajyoti's picture

Upcoming Ordinations in Golden Bay, New Zealand

From Order Connection on Sat, 14 Sep, 2019 - 13:13

Upcoming Ordinations in Golden Bay, New Zealand

From Order Connection on Sat, 14 Sep, 2019 - 13:13

Dear Order Members,

Sam Sammut
and Prue Treadwell from Wellington; Maree Beverland, Helen Clack and Judy Gray from Auckland; Kate Ewing from Thames; Ainslie Hannan from Melbourne, and Kirsten Gracie from Sydney will have their private ordinations between 21-24 September during a five-week retreat at Golden Bay.

Their Public Ordinations will be at Golden Bay at 3pm (local time) on Sunday 29th September.

With metta,


Note: this notice was amended on 24th September to correct the date and time of the Public Ordination.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Renunication Finding a Healthy Balance (Why Talk About Milarepa 3)

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Sep, 2019 - 00:00
Continuing the Sangha night series on Milarepa. This week looking at his example of renunciation and how we can apply that to our very different lives.
