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Что такое медитация? Учитесь медитировать.

Что такое медитация? Учитесь медитировать.

From Буддийская община «Триратна» on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 22:37

Что такое медитация, или буддийская медитация? Как правильно медитировать?

Учитесь медитировать с помощью Суваннавиры, члена буддийского ордена “Триратна”, который уже двадцать лет практикует медитацию и 10 лет преподает её в Париже и в Москве.

Я буду объяснять для начинающих: поза для медитации и что надо делать во время медитации.

Также будет полезно, если вы регулярно медитируете и практикуете с другими.

Это - видео урок медитации “осознанное тело”, которая является подготовкой для других практик буддийской медитаций - таких, как “осознанное дыхание” и “метта бхавана”. Практика помогает в духовном развитии,...

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Буддийская медитация онлайн

Буддийская медитация онлайн

From Буддийская община «Триратна» on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 22:28

Бесплатное введения в буддийскую медитацию онлайн

«Переживания предваряются умом, ведутся умом и создаются умом».


ПОГРУЗИТЕСЬ в буддийскую медитацию, используя её как мощный инструмент для раскрытия внутренней энергии и радости.

ИЗУЧИТЕ простые и доступные практики, которые помогут вам открыть силу своего ума и измените свою жизнь к лучшему.

ОТКРОЙТЕ для себя мудрость Будды.

В 20:00-21:30 (по Москве) по средам. Ближайшие: 23-го и 30-го октября

Важно включать камеру во время занятия! Занятия проводятся бесплатно, а любые пожертвования принимаются с благодарностью.

Мы используем Zoom: Мeeting ID: 289 085 5552

Пишите, пожалуйста, за 24 часа до занятия...

Aryajaya's picture

The Order Sadhana practice

From Order Dharma (test space) on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 17:25

The following sadhana was composed spontaneously by Dharmachari Vessantara at Il Convento, Tuscany, in 1986 after the public ordination of 11 Dharmacharis. It is designed to be performed collectively, by Order members at Order gatherings, but would be equally suitable for individual Order members who wished to strengthen their feeling for the Order, and to reaffirm and deepen their Going For Refuge. 

The practice is designed as a sadhana and it has also been adapted to perform as a Sevenfold Puja.


File NameSize
Order Sadhana99.44 KB
Order Sadhana Puja86.36 KB
Smritiratna's picture

Memorial Service for Mahacitta

From Order Connection on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 15:42

Memorial Service for Mahacitta

From Order Connection on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 15:42

Dear Order Members,

I’ll be leading a memorial ceremony for Mahacitta on Saturday 25th April, 2.30-4pm, UK time. You’re welcome to join us through Zoom, details below. If you’d like to attend please join us by 2.30pm and the Zoom meeting ends at 4pm. We can accommodate up to 100 participants and if folk arrive in good time there should be no problem getting in. I’ll be hosting the ceremony from Dhanakosa with Amoghavira’s technical assistance, but you’re welcome to join...

Satyakirti's picture

A Feast of Happiness for the Caravan of Famished Beings - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 3

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:52

A Feast of Happiness for the Caravan of Famished Beings - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 3

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:52

“For the caravan of famished beings wandering the road of existence, hungry for the enjoyment of happiness, this is a feast of happiness offered as refreshment to all who come”.

In his third talk on the Bodhicaryavatara, Padmavajra explores themes from the third chapter, ‘The Full Acceptance of the Bodhicitta’, in which Shantideva describes the wonder of the arising of the Bodhicitta, the profound selflessness of the Bodhisattva Vow and the pride of being born as a Buddha son. The talk was...

bodhipaksa's picture

Free Online Course from Wildmind

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:23

Free Online Course from Wildmind

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:23

To help people deal with the stress and anxiety of the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been offering a 28-day meditation course online: Finding Calm and Balance in a Crisis

The course includes 28 guided meditations, recorded specially for the course, accompanied by a short reading. The readings and meditations are delivered to you daily by email.

So far more than 1,300 people have signed up for the course. But there’s always room for more!

Click here to enroll in the meditation course.

With love,

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Insecurity and Competition

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:00

The wheel of life shows the six realms corresponding to six kinds of mental states that can result from our actions. How can we recognise these states in everyday life and what can we do to live with a more fully human life?

In this Dharmabyte, Satyajyoti offers this personal talk introducing the realm of the titans and her transformation of competitiveness into appreciation.

Excerpted from Three Personal Talks: Realms of the Wheel where Satyajyoti,...

Liz_Bassett's picture

Working Together - FutureDharma and India Dhamma Trust

From FutureDharma on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 12:06

Working Together - FutureDharma and India Dhamma Trust

From FutureDharma on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 12:06

We’ve got some exciting news to share. We’re going to be working a lot more closely with India Dhamma Trust. 

With the world in lockdown, no-one is unaffected. In India conditions are hard. Food is difficult to come by and expensive. Many people don’t have homes or sanitation. People that do have homes often live with many family members sharing a small space. There is mass migration with migrant workers returning to their home villages. The sangha in India are responding to the needs...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharma Wondrous Strange: 3. The Narrow Path to Freedom

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 00:00
In this third talk of eight, Ratnaguna suggests that the path to enlightenment requires that we apply a consistent and balanced effort to our Buddhist practice. He also warns us of the dangers of having expectations of what spiritual progress might look like. The talk was given on 10th April via Zoom, following the temporary closure of Manchester Buddhist Centre due to the Coronavirus pandemic
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharma Wondrous Strange: 3. The Narrow Path to Freedom

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 00:00
In this third talk of eight, Ratnaguna suggests that the path to enlightenment requires that we apply a consistent and balanced effort to our Buddhist practice. He also warns us of the dangers of having expectations of what spiritual progress might look like. The talk was given on 10th April via Zoom, following the temporary closure of Manchester Buddhist Centre due to the Coronavirus pandemic
